Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Last day of Pre-School

Well today, we took Irene to see her Kindergarten Teacher for the first time (Mr. Kurley). He is terrific and Irene likes him. We got a boat-load of documentation to go through tonight (homework for parents before school starts! YAY!) :) Anyway I took pics. I'll try to post some tonight. She was thrilled to see the pretend room, and liked the library. She also LOVED the playground. She met a few of her classmates and seemed right at home.

I am realizing though, that tomorrow is going to be rough even so. She's been a drama queen the last couple of days and I expect tomorrow to be no different.

Hold on tight!!! Here we goooooooo!!! (name that TV show).

Monday, August 25, 2008

Counting down

Well I mark today as the last full day Irene will be at Quail Hollow Montessori. She's getting so excited while my heart gets heavier and heavier. I remember the day when Marcus said, "Let's check the school out and see if it is something we want to take Irene to." I can remember coming up with excuses ranging from "we're going back to paying about as much as we paid for full time day care for an infant" to "It's too far to drive. My mileage will sky-rocket" to "I just don't think she is ready". Well we did as much as I dug my heels in and wow! What a difference! The teachers have nurtured her and grown with her since she was 2 1/2. I wish I had a pic of her when she was first there. She was so small, she couldn't reach the faucet to turn on the water in the sink. She had to get a stool. It was adorable. Now, she not only can reach that, but she is mostly capable of turning on water at most adult sinks!

I mark this time because Tuesday is Brooke Knoll's Orientation. We found out her teacher's name is: Mr. Kerley. :) He's awesome. Marcus and I met him at the Parent Orientation back in April. He's a science guy. I suspect Irene will get a serious kick out of it. He's also very gentle and his room is great! I can't wait to see what she thinks! I can't remember if that particular room had computers or not. We'll find out tomorrow.

I'll post a picture of her first day on Wednesday since that is her official day. We won't actually be taking her into her class room that day as she doesn't have class until 11:55am. But will get one of her going into her Kindercamp class that the Parks & Rec has.

Now, if I only had something to make me stop worrying - no..shipping a product is not helping me at the moment.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My little one's graduation pic

I had to share. Irene's teacher took this and put it on her grad certificate.  This is now my new desktop background....I am in love!