Thursday, September 04, 2008

First Day of School and days after

Well first day of kindergarten was as I thought.  She did great...waved us off at Kinderamp that morning - almost forgot to give me a kiss.  I thought this was ok given that I was expecting a crying fit soon afterwards but none came.  We walked out of the class room and headed across the school grounds to make it back to the car.  Marcus asked me about 1/2 way back to the car how I was doing.  I started to cry at that point.  It's amazing how I am the one not coping. Although I think Marcus was having a bit of a time too - but would admit no such thing.

We picked her up together that afternoon and she was so tired, she could hardly keep her eyes open.  NOTE: This is the first time she hasn't had a nap during school hours. Amazing huh? The rest of the week was hard but no crying fits on her part.  Just my getting over myself and being happy that she was happy.  The first week ended with a stuffed up nose and cold ensuing due to lack of sleep.  It wasn't bad the way colds go..but still made  her nap during the weekend.

Tuesday of this week was my day of getting over myself.  I got to volunteer in Irene's classroom for an hour at my lunch time.  I got there about 5 minutes early and got to listen to the singing from the room.  I found that Irene could be heard all the way down about 5 classrooms down! It was amazing. I laughed so hard.  Once I got into the classroom, I could see that she was very well integrated and happy with the kids around her and with her teacher.  Since partcipating that day, I have been content to drop her off with little to no trouble at all.  I know now that we made a good decision. She'll be fine.