Friday, May 28, 2010

Holy Moly! I've become the Webmaster! saw that right.  So before anyone gets all OMG on my hinney... it's:

1) a volunteer position
2) for the PTA group at Brook Knoll with some additions..
3) It's nothing in comparison to what I've dealt with before.

So: details:
I saw in the little newsletter we get from the school a few positions for volunteers that opened up. Amongst them was this Webmaster and also another for Life Lab which works in the gardens as an assistant to the head honcho on that.

Webmaster asked basically if you knew Facebook/Twitter etc...wanna be the webmaster..right? :D  Well of course I sucked that one up.  What it came down to though was that I would be on the Executive PTA board (what the hell was I thinking?) and I would also be assisting all sorts of people dealing with the Brook Knoll sight.  Turns out because I am the geek I am I am probably going to do a LOAD more.  Talked with the front staff and they don't have a webmaster to look after anything.  So my first thought was: "How long has it been since they have backed up the sight?" Followed by: "Oh lord, they have seriously old data" then followed by my opening my mouth, inserting foot and saying, "I can take care of a lot of that stuff.  Just send me an email and we'll get it dealt with". *rolling eyes*  I thought I had purged this business of my saying Yes..I can do that... a long time ago..Obviously my being off work for nearly a year suddenly reclaimed that bad habit.

On the other side of the coin.  These are NICE people that I am going to be working with.  I am meeting more of the school staff AND I am getting more integrated into the things I always longed for - being a mom, getting out to be with other full-time mom's.  Who knows..maybe I'll like being on the Executive board ;)

So additional details? Well I have to go to the Exec board meetings once a month in the mornings followed by the PTA meetings on the first Tuesday of the month at 7pm.  Didn't realize that would be apart of the job description either..but again. I'll get to know a load of people and perhaps actually get more involved - like I have been wanting to do.

So what does this mean for my learning curve? I get to learn Dreamweaver!  Ordered an older version for like $200 less than the current which is great.  Picked up a book on Dreamweaver from my Visual Quickstart Guide group and I am going to enroll in Cabrillo's online class for Dreamweaver CS4. 
Talk about brain investment. :)

I am content.  I think this is going to be really good for me for a load of reasons.  Plus I'll volunteer for Irene's class next year.  That'll be exciting too. We'll see how it goes. As I learn, I'll post my learning here.  I like keeping notes ;)