Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Star Wars vs Star Trek

This was totally cool. Marcus sent me this one as well as the previous.

Star Wars Vs Star Trek

This one was fun. :)...course..you do have to consider the person that is posting this. :-/ heh. I am such a geek


Ok, This is so totally wrong but the music was intensely catchy. You'll need speakers or headphones. I had to share.

Mai Ah Hee

there are TONS of videos with this same piece of music...talk about totally wacked. I guess that one person makes loads of different types of stuff. So much so so that she caught the attention of MTV and now has a TV deal. *shaking head*..go figure.
Music by: O-zone
Title: Mai ah Hee

Purchasing Cross-stitch

Well purchases in the area of cross-stitch has gone up the ying-yang. I just got the order in on a new set of huck towel designs (3 new books bwwaaaahhhahah). Then I actually had to replace my Ott-lite desktop lamp bulb (first time ever and I have had this thing for a long time). BTW: if you're a stitcher..this type of lamp is SOOO nice for detail work and when you don't have natural light available. Have a look here for all their stuff. *wide evil grin*

Then of course there is the finding and purchasing of the butterfly switchplate kit. That came in this weekend. So needless to say that one will be done after this huck towel I am working on is finished. See...it has all these...umm oh.. I can't say what the huck towel has *wide evil grin*. Sorry amber..no hints :).

Then of course I am *dyin*. My new The Cross-stitcher mag came out and of course the set of Sandy Orton pieces I am drooling over was printed on the first page. The following

Winter Sampler

Autumn Sampler

Summer Sampler

and of course the Coming Soon Spring Sampler which they had in the mag but not on the web site all continue to be a central drool point for me. I have put these on my wish list. My mother is happily supporting my habit when it comes to birthday and christmas ideas :). Then of course there is the Iris I still want to do and and and and and. :) You get the picture. :)

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

To put a better spin on the day

Well this afternoon was much better :) To the wonderful friends in this world, I so appreciate everyone's company. It always makes me feel better.

I started on Amber's project in Cross-stitch last night. It promises to be just as wonderfully beautiful as the previous it already. :D Can't wait to get to it tonight ( hoping the weather won't kill me first). It's currently registering 102 outside. Pool here I come!

I just have 1 question

I will preface this with, my child isn't old enough to use a computer and I realize that I am probably on my "high and mighty chair", but where were the parents in this whole thing??? I just saw this, and am wondering how the *mother* can actually believe they are going to get away with this law suit???

Where the hell are the parents? If the parent can't handle a computer but feel they need one in the house, then a) get lessons b) find out if there is community support to help educate parents on things to look out for c) talk with the kid about what they can and can't use on the computer d) talk with the internet provider about blocking software. I am ready to rip my hair out on this. I can't say as I am surprised though considering how the social mentality seems to be "Teach my child about sex cause I can't talk to them about it." "Please rip out content that you think is in appropriate cause I can't seem to make my own decisions."

I think my Grumpy mug fits me perfectly today.

Friday, June 16, 2006

To Friends and Their endevors!

Today is yet another day in many, but my pal Rebecca is moving on to bigger and better things in this world. I am rather feeling sorry for myself because I will miss having coffee with her in the mornings (hmmm..hey Rebecca..had a thought..how about outside in the courtyard every now and again?). *wide grin*.

She's not moving far away. In fact, she'll be in the same building but just in a different mod than where we are now. It's been a fun time and I am ever so glad that we got to do things that we have done here together.

I am crossing my fingers and toes and every other possible thing on my body that she'll find wonderful new challenges and happiness in this new job. She really deserves happiness.. :)

*HUGS* my dear..... ok ... feeling sorry for myself needs to end now... OH LORD!! I gotta still make reservations!!!! *doh*

Monday, June 12, 2006

Ok..here are the pics!!!!


They were up on Yahoo yesterday when I posted the fact that I was finished *evil grin*, but I decided to wait till Rebecca got to see the piece first before I posted.

To the left is the full piece in all it's glory. Close up shots of the Butterfly and the grapes can be found at:

Butterfly Upclose 1

Butterfly Upclose 2

I am really going on a Butterfly kick me thinks. Irene's room is going to get a butterfly upgrade by getting a new switch plate which I ordered a few days ago. I'll probably finish Amber's piece and then stop and do that. Waaaayy too much fun.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

BWAAHHHAAAHHH!!! Success!!! It is finished!!!

I have so much to catch people up on..it's not even funny. We have the pre-school episode, the let's decorate the little one's room so I stop calling her "The Baby", as well as I have found all the towel designs I am going to make for everyone. The best one, though!? Guess what I finished last night!? :)

The house warming cross-stitch pieces are moving along. 2 Down..2 more to go. :) oh..and ladies, I found some better patterns than I was originally going to do for the last two. *wide evil grin*. I went shopping at Beverly's and they happened to have a couple of towel design books that I *had* to pick up.

I will post pictures as soon as I give the gift..I don't want to ruin the suprise ;) . *wide evil grin*. It really did come out better than the original picture in the magazine. I am so pleased with it.

enjoy the suspense!