Well purchases in the area of cross-stitch has gone up the ying-yang. I just got the order in on a new set of huck towel designs (3 new books bwwaaaahhhahah). Then I actually had to replace my
Ott-lite desktop lamp bulb (first time ever and I have had this thing for a long time). BTW: if you're a stitcher..this type of lamp is SOOO nice for detail work and when you don't have natural light available. Have a look
here for all their stuff. *wide evil grin*
Then of course there is the finding and purchasing of the
butterfly switchplate kit. That came in this weekend. So needless to say that one will be done after this huck towel I am working on is finished. See...it has all these...umm oh.. I can't say what the huck towel has *wide evil grin*. Sorry amber..no hints :).
Then of course I am *dyin*. My new The Cross-stitcher mag came out and of course the set of Sandy Orton pieces I am drooling over was printed on the first page. The following
Winter SamplerAutumn SamplerSummer Samplerand of course the Coming Soon Spring Sampler which they had in the mag but not on the web site all continue to be a central drool point for me. I have put these on my wish list. My mother is happily supporting my habit when it comes to birthday and christmas ideas :). Then of course there is the Iris I still want to do and and and and and. :) You get the picture. :)