Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween 2007

Well, at this time last year, there was "much ado about nothing" to quote a phrase. Last year was the kicking and screaming child of 3 who was afraid to even go to the door to hand out candy. This year, you ask? Perhaps a pic would be helpful:

Yup..she's a happy camper. Needless to say we went to The Vineyards with Amber, Chris and the girls. It was adorable and fun. I had not been into Skypark or anything remotely similar so was not prepared for what I was going to encounter. It was truly a lot of fun. We went down only one square block of the place and still came out with a large stash. :) She came home and said, " Momma, I am veeerrrrry hungry." I asked her if she wanted a sandwich. She looked at me with a serious face and said, "Yes momma, I would please." And she snarfed and entire peanut butter and jelly sandwich. :) We then had to hit the neighborhood for a small amount of time after that.

Oh, during this time, we ended up leaving candy out for the kids asking them to take 2 per person. We found we were cleaned out when we got home (fortunately we didn't use the entire amount so we could still hand out some more). When moving around to the other houses around the neighborhood we talked with friends who said we didn't have a lot of we were cleaned out by ones that didn't understand the concept of honesty :(. Oh well. it's what I expected. I know Marilyn said last year they had even taken her nice bowl she had left out. I left out a ziplock container. That was left :)

OH!!! Pumpkins! I have to post our pumpkins! I did two this year.



Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Change and worry

So I have determined that Fate/God/ conspires to make sure that our household is shaken up when things are relatively calm and complete feeling. What is the point of this other than to create angst? To make us learn that change is a good thing?? What the heck!? All it does in my case is send my blood-pressure through the roof and bring the household down to it's knees because it's so disorganized I can no longer cope because change conspires to make me feel that this is so.

I know I don't make sense, that I am just rambling, but am trying to get the angst of change and the worry that goes with out out of my heart so I can think clearly. I really do love the people around me but every now and again there is something that goes astray and I just can't handle it.

I think it is time for Dark Shadows and cross-stitch to reenter my life again. I've lost my center of being.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

4th birthday pics available

Well I finally got my act together and got Irene's 4th birthday pics up from a week ago Saturday. Still need to do the thank you notes - hopefully Sunday. I am making progress finally. Here is where to find the pics.:

Irene's 4th Birthday


and yes..I am working on getting the La Fondue party pics up as well. Patience...patience

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Getting excited about Irene's birthday

I am about ready to run around screaming I am so jazzed about our little one's 4th birthday. :) This morning I was way stressed out worrying about food and organizing everything. This afternoon after having a good lunch at El Palomar Taco bar, going over the list with Amber, and going to Trader Joes to find alternative lower fat foods for the party, I am finding things are much better now. :) Still debating on getting my entenmann's cream cheese coffee cake - we'll see who wins out...will power/pocket book or my need for my favorite coffee cake in the world! :)

Anyway..back to the grindstone..but had to pass it on. :)

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Amish Quilt Picture

Well, here we go! Here is one of the latest pieces. This is the Rainbow Amish Quilt. I've added it to my Flikr photos. Hope you enjoy! Click here.

BTW: It ended up not staying in my house for very long. I ended up giving it away as a gift this weekend. :) I think I am destined to never keep the pieces I make. Oh well. I enjoy making them.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

I was not ready for October!!!

Normally I am fully aware that October is coming upon us - Irene's Birthday, my birthday, Amber's birthday, Halloween and all the school stuff in between you would think I would have a clue. This year? nooooo *sigh*. Monday, Oct 1, 2007, my husband came to me in the bathroom while I was frothing at the mouth with toothpaste and said, "You do realize that today is the first of October, right?" My brain came oozing out of my ears at that point and my brain took a nose dive. "Yowww kiibbing meee.. write?" I say with toothpaste drooling down my chin (I don't need these images, but I had to do it.).

He shakes his head at me and my head starts to whirl as all the things come down around my ears. I clean myself up and realize that there is *no* way we're doing Irene's birthday on the 6th (less than a week away) and her stuff from Birthday express had not yet arrived. At least I was sorta on the ball. :)

I begin to panic. Then I took a deep breath and hollered, "We're moving her birthday party to the 13th!!! I can't do it soon enough."

Hubby holler's back "why not?"

I rolled my eyes, thought of the 10,001 reasons why not and resorted to "Because no one will come to if they don't have time to prepare themselves." Seriously, wouldn't *you* need a weekend in between to go birthday shopping if you wanted to attend? I tended to not go to the one's that didn't give me a week in between time to do the shopping etc. Seriously.

I know I put my honey into a large amount of stress by changing the date, but I seriously could not get thing together that quick. He's got the party, a game tournament, and a hockey game that day. Oh well. These things happen. So I have my brain back now. Got written invites out. Now we just need to do the evites to everyone else that has a computer that I can be sure of. :)
Her birthday express stuff came in last night *thank god*. Depending on the # that say they'll be there, I may end up at K-mart making more goodie bags to send home. I am tempted to order like another pack of 8 at Birthday express but between order and their shipping it with a 3 day max ship time, it still took 7 days to get to me. Not going to risk the stress. Party store and I come.

Marcus wants to take me out for my birthday. Personally I don't think it's worth it..but he's cute that way. So we're shooting to go to Hula for dinner and get a babysitter. We'll see if that works out.

20th: La Fondue - girl's yearly night out.
26th: Field trip to Gidzditch Ranch - yumm...fresh pumpkin pie. This year, I am just getting 2 pumpkins. :)
Nov 2nd: Pampered chef party - Dessert party as usual. This is the time for the Christmas orders. :) Write the date down. If you're reading this, then you're coming.

Anyway...I think this a sufficient post..what do you think? :) Enjoy!