Friday, March 23, 2007


Well, I decided while I was eating lunch at my desk to look at some of my previous post from last year around this time. Ranging from Easter to the weather being so miserable...remember the 23 days of rain straight we had in March??? :)

I have to say, it's been fun to look back at all the changes and posts and how many things I recorded across the year. Easter, toddler beds, loss of binkies, and bottles..isn't it amazing? Last year at this time I was still getting over those little surprises.

This year, so far it's been the aquarium (never did get those pics posted...I do have them), Doodlebops (no pics there..too dark), and our latest endevor: The Hockey Game. *wide grin*. I got some pics, but not sure how they turned out. We'll see.

I took time off in the morning on Thursday to go to Longs Marine Lab in Santa Cruz as apart of the pre-school field trip we had. Kids had a wonderful time. I had 2 kids this time (as opposed to my previous post to Gizdich Ranch where I had 4). Irene and Brooke plus 1 teacher. Everyone appeared to have fun. I got some pics on my phone..again not sure how they turned out though. Will take a look this weekend if I get to take my time off.

Back to work!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

This was from the night we shipped Delphi 2007

I was originally afraid that I would say something I shouldn't just before we shipped, so I simply put this in Drafts until I had a brain to publish it. This was written the night we shipped Delphi 2007. Enjoy
----------------------- Waves on the screen as we move back in time! --------------------------'s 10:20pm and I am here at work for a second day in a row of late nights (after working all weekend) attempting to ship our product. My brain, which I thought was originally mush, has a startling level of clarity right now. I'm surprised actually as I expected to be dropping out of my chair. What's more, I am validating under a German OS. This is another surprise to me. When we first merged core and intl QA I thought I would never get used to looking at non-english OS'. But here I sit and wing my way through our set of test cases that need to be run in order to verify we have a working ISO and test file set.

I know I am rambling, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to blog right now, but I figured eh...I am sitting here watching installs occur. There isn't much more by brain could do and I am dying to write for whatever reason. I have to tell you, I never thought I could drain the power out of my little IPod Nano as I have these last few weeks. I dare say that it might be what's keeping me from dropping on the floor like my little one will do on occasion curl, up and go to sleep. It could be that the cupcake and Chai Latte are also helping my poor little sappy brain to function...who knows! But music is a wonderful thing and a good motivator when you need just the right thing.

I shall continue to ramble here....It's been interesting to watch these last few months mince through the meat grinder of time. I've watched our company make a turn around, show an enthusiasm I thought dead, and bust their butt's off with long weekends and long hours to result in the culmination of tonight. Last night was everyone pulling together and installing the latest ISO's on every OS under every language we have available to test on for Ent, Pro and Ent_Trial SKU's. That was an amazing feat. I seriously thought I was going to see smoke rise up out of my office as all of my machines ran multiple VM's on servers and Workstations throughout the day, into the evening and on into the night.

I turn now, however, and find that my installs have finally finished which means I now need to run away and get the real work done. Send a few prayers to the shipping gods this night. We're going to need it.
--------------------- Waves appear on the screen as we move forward -------------------------
Well during that night we not only revalidated our ISO images for Pro, Ent and Ent trial on various OS's on various languages, but we also had to test our new Akami system on various OS's with various languages (which is our ESD system). Anyway talk about an amazing amount of "How the hell do we test this? How long does it take to get the digital bits up that we need? Did anyone think to test this with a field test build just for fun?...ummm..."

Needless to say, QA is already starting to come up with points on contention to do things differently. Hopefully this will never happen again.

Monday, March 05, 2007

I learned something about cross-stitch

I have come to the conclusion that if I ever do another cross-stitch switch plate, it better be for something serious..cause wow. It's tough doing the last finishing touches (like back-stitching). I'm almost finished though :) Irene really likes it I can't complain. As soon as it is finished, I'll put up pics on flickr. :)

Friday, March 02, 2007

stress central

Well things are working getting to a head on work... it's stress central with the joy looking forward to a fun filled weekend of working at least all day Saturday and if I am not done then by Sunday. :( I have *never* had to get a babysitter to watch Irene on the weekends until now and man!! I am feeling soo guilty. She already doesn't see us a good portion of the time during the week because of I have to tell her that I can't take her to the park on Saturday because of this. :( I had hoped I would never have to have a babysitter on the weekend because of work. I am hoping things will go well today...keep your fingers crossed.