Monday, October 07, 2013

Finding a new Home page - So Long iGoogle!

So if you're an iGoogle user as I have been for many years, you will know that it is going away this month.  Google is counting down the days every time I log in now. It was annoying when they announced it.  It's only become more annoying as it gets closer.  I thought, how am I going to find a web page that I can customize to be like iGoogle?  I didn't care for myYahoo.  I've used it before but was annoyed by it.  That's why I moved to iGoogle.  MSN is useless unless I want something to gossip about.  I wanted iGoogle.  Period.

A Little Background
So for those of you that know iGoogle, it's all about information at a glance.  On my homepage there email, stocks, google top news, Google Reader (thanks for killing that too Google), current map of traffic, movies etc.  Nothing serious but an "at a glance" feeling so I can tune in to what I consider my world. Here is an example of what I typically had on my iGoogle:

Moving Forward
Well I can't get iGoogle so now what?  I turned to good ol' google search (are you seeing a trend here?).  This is my typical way of solving issues that I have no idea what to do next. I typed in 'igoogle replacement' . I also tried 'home pages to replace iGoogle'.  I got a load of reviews with people giving 3 or 4 different home page suggestions.  One was called (I'll try to find the article I ultimately used and convinced me to try NetVibes).

NetVibes basically provides dashboards of the little things you might be interested in.  They had widgets (their form of gadgets)  in order to have the different items that I was interested in.  I found a news , RSS, map, movie, calendar, stock and mail widgets to fill my page.  Instead of a reader for all of my RSS feeds like Google Reader, I instead added the RSS feeds in their own individual widgets for the things I was most interested in.  I was surprised!  After having NetVibes set as my homepage for a couple of months like I had it, I really began to like the features! What is more, you set that as your home page and you are permanently logged in, then you will get it across any computer that you go to - they even support Tablets and mobile!  So my ultimate decision.  I have moved to NetVibes.  I am content once again.

For those interested, here is a shot of my new home page!

Not bad, huh?

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