Sunday, August 17, 2014

Learning to use my mac better

I have to say, that when Windows 8 came out, I swore I would never own one.  Where to go? What to do?  I love my iPhone.  It would be very difficult to convince me to move to another phone than iPhone I love it so much.  As a result, I decided to invest in a Mac as my replacement for my PC.  I so enjoy my Mac.  It does a lot. I have my issues with it like any other computer I have owned, but I get around them fairly easily at this point. In point of fact, I am sitting here writing this on my Mac, rather than my PC.  My PC is for work now. I don't use it for anything else (if I can help it).

One of the things I LOVE about my Mac is the ability to take movies from the video cam or my regular camera and get it setup into an actual movie that can be placed on a DVD.  I am a such a novice though. I poke around and see what I can do. This weekend I was asked to actually combine and edit work for a set of classroom plays for a family member of mine.  I thought this would be fine. I can figure this out.  I soon felt over my head.  I didn't know what I was doing.

My ultimate answer to anything that I do, when I don't know what I am doing, is to use Google Search.  It is my very best friend when it comes to technology.  I know for a fact that 9 times out of 10, someone out there has already done what I want/need to do. I just need to find the right page.  This was no different.  I also thought it would be helpful if there just happened to be a tutorial on YouTube.  That has also been a great tool for me.  So I searched. I found an awesome tutorial.  Oddly enough it is from a company called  PC has so been coined for Microsoft Windows OS that I had to rethink the term. If you look at the website, you'll see it is a bunch of tutorials and classes for the Mac.  Go Figure. I finally altered my thinking.   PC  really stands for Personal Computer.  A Mac is a personal computer - just better ;).  I had to mention this because I found my brain was twisted so much by this thought...funny huh?

Back to the original point here.  If you're looking for a good introduction to iMovie on the mac, I found this particular tutorial.  I really loved it!  I hope you do too!

iMovie 2013 Class - By

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