Thursday, March 23, 2006 here is another test.

I am attempting to figure out what I am going to do about photos. I am currently using Yahoo photos and am going to see if I can link to one of my nature photos.

In trying this's very interesting and very different that loading a profile image. You actually have the choice about whether to load something from your hard drive. This might be worthwhile after all. After all the pain of the setting up the profile, I was having some serious second thoughts about coming to blogger....need to think more.


  1. Ok..this is starting to get better. Now all I have to do is update the links to the right and set up the stat counter and I might just be happy with this.

  2. well, that looked just fine. you can also just display the image in the blog post itself by using the img src tag :)

  3. Yeah! I just discovered it on accident last night :D
