Tuesday, April 25, 2006

And the new cross-stitch piece is....

Halfway done!!! god.. I love this new piece I am doing. It's just beautiful. The picture does it no justice. I was originally hesitant to do it, because the picture wasn't to the quality of what I expect cross-stitch pieces to be (thinking that it was the cross-stitch piece to blame).

My lesson: If you like the picture, even if it isn't a good picture..do the piece anyway. It's turning out to be 100% better than the pic. Can't wait till it's done so I can take a picture of it myself. :D. I might even send this back to The CrossStitcher (the magazine I pulled this from). Maybe they'll republish the pattern in a future mag (which they've been doing a lot latetly) with the new pic. *wide grin*.