Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Oh the pain of watching your child grow

Pray for me. I just called Quail Hollow Pre-school to begin the process of figuring out where to put Irene as she moves forward and turns 3. If you had asked me about pre-school and putting your child in prior to my having a child, I had no qualms of telling people it was a necessity. Now..having a child turning 3 I am recognizing the ramifications of this thought. MY BABY IS GROWING UP!!!!

May the gods of parenthood take pity on me. *sigh*. My heart is thumping. I left a voicemail message and I stuttered all the way through it. Hopefully the poor people take pity on me and call me back. I hate doing cold calls.

More to come.


  1. something tells me they are used to shaky parental voices inquiring on their voice mail. you're not the only hesitant and terrified parent being required by life to let go of her precious baby.

  2. My fear is not of her growing up (helping with my sister prepared me for this) but of something happening when not in my/Chris's care. I think I have an unnatural panic about child abductors and someone taking her if we are not the ones watching her. yes, I understand the issue with letting go.

  3. That's an interesting perspective. I think I got over that one with Daycare and calling 2-3 times a day (and yes..I still call)... so hmm maybe I'm not over it. I just cope with it. ;)
