Thursday, August 24, 2006

The count down begins

Well last night we got a new package in the mail from the pre-school. It was a calendar of events for the school year and a general do this and please don't bring that...

Wow! Irene will get to go on 2 Field Trips in the latter part of the school year. The first to Long Marine Labs and the other to the beach. Each of the months have a theme and as a result they study certain things.
Sept = Getting to know you month
= bring an object to show and tell
= learn about our world (earth)
Oct = Turn of the seasons
= learn about autumn
= learn about Mars
= Pajama day on Halloween!!! OMG!! :D

I think I am ready to go back to this school!!! I think I am really starting to get excited about this idea. I hope Irene enjoys this.

*biting nails*
BTW: hubby announced to work that he will be taking first day of school off due to my probably being a basket case that day. *rolling eyes* he knows me too well.


  1. I am sure you will be fine and she will just love it!

  2. I think they should learn about Pluto in october.
