Monday, September 11, 2006

Pre-school's been a week now since we started pre-school. I feel like I can now blog about it without blubbering all over myself ;). machine is rebooting on the other side of me and I can't do anything till it comes back anyway.

The little started pre-school last Tuesday. The first day was the hardest (as expected) although a bit differently than originally thought. All 3 of us went for the first day of drop off. When we got within viewing distance, Irene was already saying buh-bye to us and ready to climb out of the seat. As much as I was feeling a bit shunned..I was happy because that meant she felt comfortable. She put on her backpack (tinkerboo..BTW) and walked holding Dadda's hand into school while momma shuffled behind. I was hanging in there though!!! No tears yet!

We got in and "Teacher Viki" met us at the door and helped us to sign in and where to find Irene's hook for her backpack/lunch as well as where her cubby was for her sleeping stuff ( we needed to bring a pillow, crib sheet and blanket each week). We got everything in place and before we could turn around, Irene was out the door. Whooosh!!! I saw the streak of blonde hair through the door..but that was about it. I started going to pieces at this point. Marcus put his arm around me though and that helped aLOT.

We walked around the room a bit and came to the volunteer section. Apart of our obligation as parents is to make sure to volunteer 10 hours to the school (on various things). So I signed up to bring flowers starting the 12th (today). There were other options, like laundry, playdough etc. I figure I will move through each of the items..but I get the feeling that not many parents bring flowers to school (based on how much the teachers gush about them). So I think that might be something I will always do once a month (unless of course other parents actually decide to this as well).

Marcus went out the door, and I followed. I looked around the school yard trying to take it all in. The yard is wonderfully large and has guinea pigs, and chickens along with trikes, play structure..the whole 9 yards.

Irene suddenly came over and wrapped herself around me, and said "Bye bye momma!". I looked down at her and then over at marcus. He nodded, so I knelt down gave her a kiss and told her I would pick her up soon. Marcus and I left hand in hand and just as we got near the gate, I turned and looked. There was the look of sheer devistation that I had been waiting for. She realized that we were ACTUALLY going to leave her there. Marcus told me in a strong authoritative voice, "Keep going" as she started to scream and began to cry. We walked through the gate and Marcus led me back to the car. Tears were running down my face and her crying in the background only made it harder to leave. I turned again to find that Teacher Michael was there kneeling with her and we climbed in the car and left.

I called about 5 minutes after that, and found out that she was fine..the episode was over. She was on a trike and playing happily. I began to feel much better at that point. Pick up was wonderful, Irene was exhausted from having played so much and worked so hard.

The rest of the week has been pretty much a dream. Drop off was a breeze and I come and get her and receive a boat-load of enthusiasm that she did so much that day.

This morning was no different. This pre-school rocks!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to hear she is doing well with preschool and had a "normal" first day ;)
    I signed up to make the playdough for Spring so if you don't get a chance I can always share the recipe at least :D I think it will be so much fun to make with Madisyn!
