Monday, April 09, 2007

An era is over...

Well this morning brought an end to the era of "Moooommmmaaa!!! Mommmaaa!!" over the baby monitor to come get the little one out of her bed to come to snuggle.

This morning, we heard a KATHUNK! as the door to her bedroom slammed open and I groggily opened my eyes to find a little blonde haired, blue eyed girl standing next to the bed eagerly awaiting to climb in to get to "her spot" between Momma and Dadda for a family snuggle before getting up and starting the day. I am not entirely certain how I feel about this. I am happy because I don't have to get up out of a nice warm bed now, but my baby is becoming more and more independent. Plus what will this mean as we tell her about bedtimes and staying in bed and going to sleep. :) We'll see. It's and end of an era though.

My husband agrees.


  1. Well another nice thing about it is, she may get up and go potty by herself in the night now ;) And with luck, she will stay in bed at bedtime. Madisyn will, or at least stay in her room ;), at bedtime even though she gets up in the morning. Oh the other fun thing to look forward to. Getting up, dressing herself and laughing inside when you see what she has put together for an outfit :D

  2. oh dear lord! that's going to be hilarious. So far potty in the middle of the night is still whining and crying for momma at 1am. :( That's been this last week and a bit during the weekend..but I'll take it. The fact that she is figuring out to get up on her own at all is a good sign. :)

  3. yes. see, at least she's not Nikolai. :D
