Monday, September 24, 2007

This weekend

Well, it RAINED!!! Yay! Saturday was a glorious pour down of rain (sorry Amber. I know it was a pain to drive in, but the first rains always make me happy). I took Thursday and Friday off of last week in order to finish cleaning my house and putting it back to the point where I could at least function again. I also got in the last of my cross-stitching in for my latest project. I finished! I'll take pics and post them to flickr soon. I have to say I am quite pleased.

Since we last talked about cross-stitch pieces and what I was going to do, I have since gotten furniture to go on the wall. I now have a nice cabinet that holds a lot of my nice crystal. So I don't need nearly as much in the way of needlework pieces to fill up the wall. I've since hung the newest piece (the amish quilt piece), on the handle of my cabinet door of one side. It definitely needs another piece on the otherside. So I am thinking I'll do one more amish quilt. After that, I might actually tackle my season pieces. We'll see. Right now I am working on some small halloween kits that would take a couple o days to finish to hang around the house. I have about 8 of them :) I'll take pics of those when I am done as well.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Anna Moo - Makin Moosic

I had a great experience of late with a company that distributes a wonderful CD called Anna Moo's Makin' Moosic. It's a great album. Irene LOVES it. If you want to hear it, Rapisody has a free listen... Click here. NOTE: This is *not* a religious album as Rapisody puts on the header. I found that halarious. It's just a great kids album.

You can actually purchase these as MP3 downloads though at another site. It was $9.99 for the download or you can get the CD for $13. I chose the download. When I first got the download I found that one of the songs (about subtraction) called Ten Fingers had a skip in it. First I sent email to them on their website but I don't think they got it. Two weeks after that, I called their phone # on my order. I called at 9pm my time which was midnight their time. I told them the issue and my order # in order to prove I did indeed order it. I got an email from them the following day, that they had pulled the download themselves and found that they too had the skip showing up for them. They were going to fix the download and send me an email asap.

Needless to say, the following day, I had that new download. What's more, they updated the entire download so that it updated CDDB so that the album cover showed up in ITunes and everything. I loved quite a few of their other albums. And will probably order another album soon. If you like the music from the link I highly recommend buying at: Songs for Teaching.

Click here if you want the Anna Moo: Makin Moosic Download

Now to find Laurie Berkner - Irene Loves this person. Marcus gets her showing up on his satellite radio all the time, on the kids radio section. It's great.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Picture to the first day at school

Ok. Here we are the pics I got this morning :D


Why? Why? Why? started this weekend. Irene's started asking Why? to everything we talk about. Mother of god don't let me loose my sanity now!!!!

Where's the book that answers all the why questions of the world?


It has begun.

First day of school - again???

Well, I have to do this..even though Irene thinks she is just going back to school. Today marks her completion of her first year of pre-school and movement into year 2. Can you believe this??? I was a nervous wreck this time last year. I think I decided to go into work that day after dropping her off..but man that was a hard one for all of us I think. This movement into the next year was marked with the use of a new school lunch bag. I know, you're saying yeah..big deal..but this one was a big deal believe it or not. Irene's been using the same lunch bag up today since she was 3 months old!!! lasted that long. I am amazed too.

So this morning with as much grandeur as I could muster, I had her stand at the front door with her new lunch bag to take a picture. I actually have the camera here with me..but I've had no chance to get the pic off the card. :( I'll update this tomorrow with the pic so you can see.

I swear she grew another several inches it seems. Last year at this time, she couldn't reach the sink at school and only barely could reach with the stepping stool. She couldn't even see herself in the mirror when she first arrived. Now..*sigh* She can do both without the use of a stepping stool. I am truly amazed at the movement that has occurred in this year that has gone by.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Fresh change

Well I had to go and change my template again last night. I've been playing around with where I wanted my weather beacon to go there, and found that I just didn't have the right colors all the way around. Like it? I know..I am a geek. But this is quick satisfaction for those days when I am far too busy to do be able to do anything more intricate.

I'm at home this afternoon. Little one is napping and I am working on database and installs. How is that anyone thinks I am competent at the database thing? I worked on it for a cycle with BDE and IBX. I still know nothing but somehow I am here... Not sure I am happy to have ever volunteered for it. I guess that it's a good thing from the perspective of...if they wanted to move me out of IDE, I have another place to go. Although in all honesty..I would just prefer to go learn Java and try out JBuilder with Eclipse at this point.

Yeah..I am burned out. What can I do? Blog.