Monday, July 31, 2006

She's been ACCEPTED!

Well, it's not the "The cross-stitch is finished" post (sorry Amber), but it's still pretty cool none-the-less. :) Irene's been accepted to her pre-school. We're very excited but boy..was last Friday hard. I had to tell her day-care provider that she would be leaving at the end of August. :( I was in pieces, and both Fuzzy and Claire were in pieces. Fuzzy didn't want to talk about it, which I can accept. We all have to work through things in our own way. I did find that Claire was willing to cry with me though. That helped a lot. I took flowers to them on Friday evening from Flower Outlet here in SV. They were quite pretty and I was very pleased. Highly recommend it if you're looking for some nice ones - especially roses.

I am now working on a special project which I am hoping to finish and order from tonight. I am taking pictures from across the last 3 years that they have known Irene and make them into a nice 8x10 cloth album. If you haven't experienced Shutterfly, you should try it. I am a regular user. They have come out with a new studio program for organization, importation and upload. It's really nice. Much faster than using Adobe's Photo album which I am a firm believer in as well. But unless I need to make web pages, I use shutterfly. Adobe's program is just too slow now.

I can't wait to see the finished product. They will get that on Irene's last day. :) I hope they will enjoy it.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Things are busy

Well, the world seems busier and hotter than possible. Living in our wonderful pool has truly brought a new perpective to the word HOT. Our pool over this last week has heated to a balmy 84 degrees. Last night it was a bath! The pool was warmer than the outside temperature at 8:30pm.

You guessing right if you think that is where I am going to be again tonight. :)

Besides temperatures, I am finally getting back to Cross-Stitching. I went on hiatius for 2 weeks (sorry Amber). But it's making progress again finally. Dark Shadows accompanies my evenings that I get to myself in order to work on it and continues to make me giddy with anticipation to get both going after getting the baby to bed.

We're still waiting for info on whether we'll get into Quail Hollow Children's Center. We're hoping so. I have to figure all that mess (moving out of current daycare etc) out but am being a stick in the mudd (head down - what an image eh?). When the time comes, I'll deal with it.

We're 3 weeks away from going on vacation to my Mom's up in Sacramento. The little one can't wait. She asks about "Grammy and Tata" almost every day. I am looking forward to it too. Would like to be able to just enjoy my family without the stress of worrying about my house being clean enough, the things picked up, etc. There's just something about going home to Mom's house that makes me relax. :)

Work is still insane. This scrum stuff I think has changed my view of the world and what I need to accomplish. I suddenly feel if I stop, the world will move without me and leave me in the dust. So thus I don't write too often here anymore again. Not sure if I mind though. I feel accomplished and that's good.

Hopefully next post will be: Cross-stitch is FINISHED. :)

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Time for an update

Well, I have been told that I need to update my blog. :) It's been soo busy right now and so many things to do and keep up with that this has gone by the way-side. Today, however, I decided that I would take care of some of those "by the wayside" things. This included going through my home email which I haven't touched for a month and a half. *scary*

So what's happened, you ask?
Well, we (we meaning my honey bunny) took an application down to the Quail Hollow Children's Center today. We now have to follow up with the owner to find out if there are spaces available for Irene. We'll see.

I finally got around to talking with our current Daycare provider to let her know that we are in the process of getting this done. She's trying to convince me to look at other places but I am currently doing the nodding and smiling and we're going to continue to do what we would prefer to do. Things went a lot smoother than I expected in all honesty. I told her "Heads up, we're looking to put Irene into The Children's Center in Sept." She of course wanted to know why we were doing things earlier than expected. I explained that we thought it would be a good opportunity for her to try. She still talked about "going to school" and was very excited about the whole thing. I also explained that she might enjoy the older age group a bit more and that because potty training was not as big of a requirement, that we wanted to see if it would help her to not do the regression she is currently going through. I know it's expected, but still going through it is causing me a bit of concern even though. :) Needless to say, the ultimate answer that came from our provider was "We have to do what's best for Irene." I was relieved to put it mildly. Then the guilt set in *sigh*. Doing better with it now. That was around Wed or Thurs of last week I think I did this.

Gone back to gym! YAY! It's been wonderful! It's amazing what situps weights and walking will do.

Getting prepared for a vacation in Aug. Daycare is closing for a week and so I am going up to my Mom's to get away. Granted it's going to hot hot hot (Sacramento area) but we're goijng to see "Grammy" and that is Irene's favorite person in the world. :)

Irene is recognizing her #'s out of order now! That's been a new thing for the last 2-3 days. It's been fun for her to pick up a shoe or a book or something and say "Seven! That's a Seven!". :)

Irene's also been in a growth spurt. A pair of pants that have fit perfectly for over several months had to be safty-pinned to keep them around her waist. Jeez. Gotta measure her soon.

Went to see Pirates of the Caribbean on Monday night while Irene had a babysitter! YAY! First time out in months it feels like where we are doing something we wanted to do, instead of something we were obligated to do. The movie is awesome! Highly recommend it. In our opinion much more violent than the first. But the special effects were awesome and the end was a complete surprise to me! (I am not going to ruin it by posting what happens - go see it. It's fun! :) ).

Last but not least, I am still working on the latest huck towel. Stopped stitching for a week - maybe more. So did some more this weekend. It's so much fun to pet (literally). I don't know why but after I stitch a block, I have to go and pet it. It's so pretty. :) Can't wait till it's done. Time for more Dark Shadows and Cross-stitch. :)

That's about it for this round. Hope it helps to update everyone. Will try to post more in a couple of days. Might be next week though.