Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Things are busy

Well, the world seems busier and hotter than possible. Living in our wonderful pool has truly brought a new perpective to the word HOT. Our pool over this last week has heated to a balmy 84 degrees. Last night it was a bath! The pool was warmer than the outside temperature at 8:30pm.

You guessing right if you think that is where I am going to be again tonight. :)

Besides temperatures, I am finally getting back to Cross-Stitching. I went on hiatius for 2 weeks (sorry Amber). But it's making progress again finally. Dark Shadows accompanies my evenings that I get to myself in order to work on it and continues to make me giddy with anticipation to get both going after getting the baby to bed.

We're still waiting for info on whether we'll get into Quail Hollow Children's Center. We're hoping so. I have to figure all that mess (moving out of current daycare etc) out but am being a stick in the mudd (head down - what an image eh?). When the time comes, I'll deal with it.

We're 3 weeks away from going on vacation to my Mom's up in Sacramento. The little one can't wait. She asks about "Grammy and Tata" almost every day. I am looking forward to it too. Would like to be able to just enjoy my family without the stress of worrying about my house being clean enough, the things picked up, etc. There's just something about going home to Mom's house that makes me relax. :)

Work is still insane. This scrum stuff I think has changed my view of the world and what I need to accomplish. I suddenly feel if I stop, the world will move without me and leave me in the dust. So thus I don't write too often here anymore again. Not sure if I mind though. I feel accomplished and that's good.

Hopefully next post will be: Cross-stitch is FINISHED. :)

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