Monday, September 18, 2006

New cross-stitch piece already in works that the latest birthday gift/house warming gift is complete (see previous post), I am now working on Irene's Switchplate for her room. I have to say, I am moving into new ground.

a) I have never crosstitched on a vinal canvas (which this is)
b) I have never made a switch plate far it's been interesting on the setup. I have to make sure I take into account room where the screws are going to go in and the light switch gap.
c) As a result of (b), I am having to stitch an outline of where the center of the piece is plus gaps where the screws are supposed to go and the switch so that I make sure not to stitch close to those areas.
*biting nails* I hope I do this right.

This post has been in process for 2 days now. So in the process, I've actually started to stitch it. Man!!! Vinyl is really tought to get a needle through. Thinking I might have to go a size down from what they went with the project.

The package came with a foam template that I could use to determine where the holes needed to be. I was originally going to cut the holes first. But starting to do that, I realized I would be loosing some very important things (like the center of where the project starts) doh!. So I stopped clipping and went back to using small thread to do the outline. So far, so good. I have small piece of leaf and the beginnings of the flower made. Again...need smaller needle *sigh*. Will keep you posted.


  1. sheree, you are very very brave.

  2. LOL. Well if you don't try, what do we accomplish??? I am making progress. I am enjoying the process

  3. yeah? well as long as you enjoy your degrading sanity. that's really what matters, after all. ;-)
