Saturday, November 11, 2006

Holy twin bed MOMMA!!!!

Well, I have to say that we have never had such a wonderful time as we have getting Irene into a twin bed. Yes...I said twin bed. :) She's been in a toddler bed since January of this year. That one was a battle convincing her that sleeping in her toddler bed was ok.

We had taken a different tact this time and decided to "discuss" the matter with her earlier on in the week. Dadda took up the conversation first:

Dadda: "So..Irene...would you like to get into a big girl's bed?
Irene: "Suuurrrreee."
Dadda: "Ok. Momma and Dadda will get something setup next weekend."

Momma: "So..sweetie, Dadda said you'd like to get into a big girl's bed. Would you like that?"
Irene: blank look
Momma: would you like Princess'? or Buzz? or Tinkerboo on your new bed?
Momma: "OK, love. Momma will see what I can find"

Momma: "Ready for a girl's bed?"
Irene: "NO!!!"
Momma: "um..okkay..we'll talk about this later."

Momma decides to take to the winds and stop off at Kmart and see if I could find Tinkerboo. My GOD! I hit the jack pot. I not only found the flannel sheets, I found a comforter and dustruffle. If I get the guts up on the $$$ I'll go back and get the valance for it too..but $15 each and I need 4 to make it worthwhile started to make me feel just a bit unhappy. :(

I stop off at home and "display" the tinkerboo treasure right at the front door. I run back to work totally excited and dancing for the afternoon.

Irene gets home and see Tinkerboo. The immediate "'s beeeuuutiiiiffuuuull !!!" came out. Dadda pipes up with "So, Irene. Would you like to get your big girl's bed set up?"

Irene: "NOO!!"
Momma and Dadda look at each other and Dadda says: " ok sweetie. we'll wait. "

We get past dinner and things are calm. Irene goes and discovers her sheets again. She looks at me. I said to her, "You want to pull your sheets out?" Irene's eyes brightened. I figured she'd go out to the living room and pull her sheets out. She instead takes it in her bedroom. Thinking nothing of it, I go to clean up dinner.

Suddenly I get a holler from Marcus of "ummm sweetheart. You might want to see this."
I rush into her room and nearly fall over laughing. She has stripped her toddler bed down to the mattress pad and is trying with all her might to get her new tinkerboo sheets on her bed. Marcus and I look at each other and sigh. We ask again "Sweetheart, do you want your new sheets?"

Her eyes brightened and nods. We end up on Friday night at 7:30 (1/2 before bedtime) setting up the big girls bed. Unfortunately, after trying to wash the sheets out, the smell was so bad still that we opted not to use the new flannel sheets. Ended up taking those back to Kmart today after 2 washings. The smell was that of someone having dunked the sheets in was awful. nothing but the sheets were affected. :(

The rest of her bed, came out wonderfully. Needless to say, she didn't want to leave the bedroom much less the house today *sigh*. The bed is adorable and it works really well with her butterfly/flower garden room. :) Will try post a pic or two as soon as I pull them off the camera.

I repeat: Holy twin bed, MOOOMMMAAAA!!!!

PS: she's not cried or argued once about going to bed this entire weekend.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha - this is hilarious.

    don't worry, the "hasn't complained about going to bed" thing will pass all in due time.
