Wednesday, November 29, 2006

My little one has moved on from diapers and pull-ups *snuffle*

Well...I supposed it had to happen sometime. I say it with mixed emotions in all honesty because Irene is growing so fast. She chose her own panties from Disney store and we worked throughout the entire Thanksgiving break to teach her that she should not go in potty in her pants anymore.

Wednesday: *rolling eyes* I truly began to question the sanity of the idea of potty training.

Thursday: break. Thanksgiving day was not the day I was going to tackle this. Back to pull-ups

Friday: Back in panties. 2 poopies - but went pee pee on the potty regularly.

Saturday: 2 pee pees - but went poopy on the potty regularly

Sunday: She got the idea! But we were setting timers this entire time to make sure we'd get her to go every 30 - 40 minutes. Needless to say we were expecting the worst on Monday.

Packed to the gills in clothing and undies in the backpack along with everything else, we trudged to school to find that the schedule was expected to be relaxed. The assistant that usually helps with the younger kids to use the potty and deal with diapers got an amazing shock when she came back to work. Every child that had been in diapers (5 of us from what i understand), all came wear big kid undies that day. Boy was that a shock!

Monday evening I went to pick up Irene fully expecting to have a bundle of ickey poopy undies to have to deal with. Much to my surprise and with each day so far, Irene has been telling the teachers that she needs to use the potty. *dancing happy feet* !!! I am so thrilled.

I must admit though that this continues to show how quickly Irene is growing and how quickly she will no longer need me. *snuffle* *sniff* I know it is silly to say that, because she will always need me (if the # of times I call my mom in a day is any indication), but there is just something sweet to watch and when it is gone, all you have are the memories. Oh well...such is life...and it will move on.

Nice thing: bills go down on the # of diapers and pull-ups we buy on a weekly basis. So much for needing 3T - 4T pull-ups that I bought. :) Anyway, so now we're down to diapers at night and pull-ups at nap. Once this is dealt with it will be amazing. Not sure when it will be, but we'll see.


  1. Wow that is great! I tell you I was so happy to have madisyn out of pull-ups and so can't wait for madalynn to potty train.

  2. before you know it irene will be picking out her college of choice.

    my little squid has been doing very well. hasn't had a night time accident in about a month.

  3. **dusting off cobwebs** man, I think it's time for an update, Sheree.
