Saturday, February 03, 2007

We saw Doodlebops!

Well, Irene made it to her first concert ever... :) We went to see Doodlebops. The one draw back: it was a 1pm show. Now for those of you that aren't aware, I will explain. Irene still takes naps (most of the time). So we were a bit nervous about the fact that the concert was right when her nap was supposed to be. Attempting to find a way to get her to sleep in the car was not a certain one. Momma thought: oh! well we'll tire her out by running a couple of errands to the store etc and then come home and then having her ride her bike around! Right??? yeah...umm..right. Believe it or not we did do that..but when we went to get in the car..she still didn't nap *sigh*. Momma napped..but Irene didn't (btw: Dadda drove in case you were wondering).

We get there and find that there is a sharks game, a Scientology convention, Doodlebops and a Volleyball competition going on all at the same time. Momma started getting very nervous and biting poor Dadda's head off. But he got smart!!! "Here, I'll drop you and Irene off. Go find the seats and get her settled. I will find a parking spot and meet you there." Momma, seeing logic in this, pulled Irene out of the car and headed towards the San Jose Civic Auditorium.

We got close and Irene began to freak out at all the people. Momma didn't flinch. She picked up Irene, settled her on the hip and took her inside. We found (naturally) more people. Irene squirmed down and had an amazed look on her face. Kids were everywhere. Suddenly, Irene zeros in on one thing - the flashy wavy wand with a flag on top. Who was Momma to argue? one toy right? How much could it be? (I're saying you poor sap..what are you thinking???). Anyway $20 later for the one wand we make it through the main doors on the main floor. Irene walks through with absolute wonder and a little bit of "freaked out" running across her face. Mickey Mouse club house music was playing and Bus Driver Bob was on the stage entertaining the kids for a bit. She stopped dead in her tracks looking at the sea of people. The fear that Momma had dreaded was beginning to appear. Momma bends down and attempts to distract her. Nothin' doin' . She's in partial freaked out mode now..not willing to move anywhere. Then she spots other children going up to find seats. She decides she wants a seat too. Momma is pleased - we're making progress :)

To the amazement of all, Momma and Irene make it to their seats and Irene is showing serious excitement at this point. Freak out is gone and she is happy - wand in hand (I'll try to get a pic for you). Dadda arrives soon after. The last part of the puzzle was her buddie Brooke (from school). The two of them couldn't stop talking about the Doodlebops all week! Short version: Brooke's parents thought they were supposed to be at HP Pavillion when in reality, it was at San Jose Civic Auditorium. They made it about 5 minutes after the show started. We were so pleased. :D

The show was nice, simple, and fun. The girls were absolutely thrilled. Momma took Irene to the front to try to dance, but there were so may "bodies" that Momma couldn't cope and we stopped at the outskirts. Irene of course got very very upset and it was now an hour later than nap time would have started. So the two started to join together. Needless to say, we decided to stay in our seats from then on. Brooke's mom took the picks because Momma was lame and forgot her camera :p. So when I get links to post, I will do so.

So how about that for a nice long post??? :P


  1. wow, what an adventure! I am glad to hear it worked out in the end and you had a good time, well at least irene had a good time ;) i hope your hearing didn't get too damaged. Can you remember anything other then the songs on now :D

  2. LOL. I actually like the Doodlebops. More so than the wiggles. I think because Irene played the Wiggles to death. Marcus, however, can't stand them. :) So he survived. I had a blast. :)
