Sunday, May 27, 2007

Contemplating my week

Well, this week has been very very full. I won't say stressful, but more just full of those little details you have to get through in order to feel satisfied that you completed your "job". When I say "job" I mean all those things that not only include work, but taking care of the dogs, mop the floor to remove the last traces of doggie diarrhea from the previous week, dust bunnies out of the corners, boxes off the floor that you've been tripping over for weeks, vacuuming because your cleaning lady hasn't been here in 2 months due to surgery, and taking care of the incidentals like a 3 year old, and a husband going to a gaming convention for the 3-day weekend and your parents and grandmother coming to visit to keep you company and give you a bit of a break. Busy huh? :)

I have to admit, I did it all this week. That and more. Dio has decided that along with our next door neighbor that he has a vendetta against gophers and fully intends to dig up our entire grassy area to get at them. As a result, last weekend I came home to find he had dug 3 - 2 foot deep holes in various places across the grass. Talk about ripping your hair out. Then the gophers go at during the week buy putting up 5 more mounds throughout the grass. Got those cleaned up, the left over mounds of dirt went to fill the holes Dio created and all I have left to do there is re-seed and compost - our gardener didn't have time to do that sort of stuff this week. Another thing that had to get done was to put a nice looking fending unit in to bar off the new veggie patch. We're not sure what is causing Dio's digestive issues - dog food or the stinky soil that all dogs in our family so far seem to just LOOOOVVVEEE. We barred off the grassy area until I could get the fending in, and the grass repaired. I was fully intending to get it done before my parents arrived. Another one checked off the list - approximately 2 hours before they were due today.

Now I sit, basking in the glow of my accomplishments. I realized I hadn't blogged a lot lately and realized this would sum up the week fairly well. Parents and grandmother are due in any time now so I sit for the first time since getting up this morning with my 5:50 wake up call from my little one and enjoy a moment of silence while she naps in bliss.

Work is nearing completion on the latest project. C++Builder 2007 I think will be pretty good. I hope anyway. I have my own opinions about projects in general and have learned to keep them to myself - reason? It happens over and over again no matter how much I b****, moan, and groan. So why waste the effort? Some things are improving, but other issues appear to remain in the fold of so much tradition that I doubt anyone realizes it's a problem anymore. We'll see. I like being a peon - and plan to stay that way for a while I expect. Have been desperately trying to get to the gym. Succeeded fairly well last week. I hope for better this week as well.

Well..time to get away from the computer again. But thought I would check in and say "Happy Memorial Day"

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