Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween 2007

Well, at this time last year, there was "much ado about nothing" to quote a phrase. Last year was the kicking and screaming child of 3 who was afraid to even go to the door to hand out candy. This year, you ask? Perhaps a pic would be helpful:

Yup..she's a happy camper. Needless to say we went to The Vineyards with Amber, Chris and the girls. It was adorable and fun. I had not been into Skypark or anything remotely similar so was not prepared for what I was going to encounter. It was truly a lot of fun. We went down only one square block of the place and still came out with a large stash. :) She came home and said, " Momma, I am veeerrrrry hungry." I asked her if she wanted a sandwich. She looked at me with a serious face and said, "Yes momma, I would please." And she snarfed and entire peanut butter and jelly sandwich. :) We then had to hit the neighborhood for a small amount of time after that.

Oh, during this time, we ended up leaving candy out for the kids asking them to take 2 per person. We found we were cleaned out when we got home (fortunately we didn't use the entire amount so we could still hand out some more). When moving around to the other houses around the neighborhood we talked with friends who said we didn't have a lot of we were cleaned out by ones that didn't understand the concept of honesty :(. Oh well. it's what I expected. I know Marilyn said last year they had even taken her nice bowl she had left out. I left out a ziplock container. That was left :)

OH!!! Pumpkins! I have to post our pumpkins! I did two this year.



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