Monday, July 19, 2010

We've gone and returned from Spain!

Arc de Triumf in Barcelona, Spain
   We have gone to Spain and returned.  There was so much that we did while we were there.  The first questions asked were always "How long are you staying?" and "What do you plan to see?".  I have to shamefacedly admit that I didn't know what I wanted to see.  I'd never traveled like this before and so really hoped for my sister-in-law and her hubby to just drag me to places. Thankfully they did.  We not only learned how to use the tram, subway, and train while we were there (no car access which was just fine), we also walked our butts off while we were there.  We walked around the suburbs of Barcelona where April and Andrew live and saw all sorts of different buildings - new and old. We were able to go shopping for food.  We found out not all places with toilettes have seats - that was an experience.  Why? I don't know. We saw open air markets with fresh everything from meats to fruits. 

The humidity was massive. I have a new found love for dry heat.  Each day here since we've returned is mild in comparison to the heat in Spain.  Being closer to the Equator says a lot.  Barcelona sells fans there which we call a novelty item - something we hang on our walls for decoration. There? They are useful! You don't go anywhere without them...  The heat is that bad and not all places have AC. We were thankful that April and Andrew's apartment had AC.

I found that much of the culture is dictated by how the weather goes.  With the heat, you *have* to shutdown during the middle of the day.  Nobody is willing to move around during that time of the day so why be open?  Places that were open had AC - malls etc.  Shops re-opened around 4:30 - 5:30 or so (that is a suggested time..not actual - they might be early, they might not come back for the day ;) ).   More often than not, everyone went home and took a nap.  Loosing a day of travel messed us up royally. :)

I'll post more as to what we did.  The other big thing was that we went to Venice, Italy!  What a treat.  below is a pic from there.

From a bridge in one of the many "alleyways" in Venice
Venice the first 2 days was great for weather.  Warm but not hot/humid.  The last two days we got the hot and humid.  But we still had fun.  LOADS of Gelato were in our future - let me tell you!  We tried to keep things to a minimum though.  Once after lunch and once after dinner.   We also learned if you want good pizza DO NOT go to the restaurants.  Go to the street cafes where you buy it by the slice and that is the only thing they have. OMG! What a difference. 

I was the book buying freak while were in both Barcelona and Venice.  I'll post pics of the books later - I haven't taken pictures of them yet. :)  Right now we're just trying to find places to put everything. We also got Venetian masks, linens, jewelry, St. Christopher medallions, salt/pepper shakers and some Venetian glass (had it shipped).  When it arrives, I'll take more pics and post. :)

OK. So 1 more pic for the road from Barcelona.  This is called The Agbar in Barcelona Diagonal.

Night shot of The Agbar in Barcelona, Spain   

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