Thursday, March 30, 2006

Must jabber about a tool

Ok, so my work involves quality assurance at a software company. Apart of my job is to figure out all the jibberish that people put in their bugs and come up with a set of steps in English that make sense for an R&D engineer to use to quickly understand the problem.

Have you ever heard of the addage "A picture is worth a 1000 words" ? Well it is very true - especially in my job. So for those of you that really find this to be the case too, I have a free tool to share with you that allows you to render and make shots of your screen to make a quick (no sound) video that can be either rendered as a Shockwave .exe or as a Shockwave object.

Enter Wink. This tool when installed is a quick little program that will allow you to take screen shots of your screen at various points through the process of showing what it is that you are showing. It's AWESOME. I was able to have another QA engineer in Singapore send me a shot to explain what was really going on and turns out the naming convention being used in the bug was the incorrect term and thus the reason why I couldn't reproduce. :)

I highlyl recommend it. It's an awesome tool

Monday, March 27, 2006

What is up with the weather??? about sending me on a wave of various moods through out the day. The day starts out being blue as it can be making me think "Oh! I can put the dog outside today. She'll like that." Please note that this is at 8:15am.

I drop off the little one at daycare thinking: "Oh! She'll get to play outside today!" Please note: this was at 8:30am.

I get to work thinking: "Hmm..this would be an excellent day to get the car washed and get rid of all the dust and crap in my car." Please note that this is 9:15 am.

10:00am Darkness in the my office. I begin to have second thoughts about the day.
11:00am: I get notification via my WeatherBug application that there was a wind advisory till 9am tomorrow morning and there was threat of rain and Thundershowers...umm snuh???
11:30am: Who brought in the blizzard conditions???? It's FREEZING!!! I run home to bring the dog back in thinking "hmm...bad idea to put the dog out today." I throw all the outside pillows for her in the toy shed *just in case* *rolling eyes*
12pm: It begins to rain. Oh much for cleaning the car. I return to work with hot food in my hand rather than the sushi I had originally planned. Seriously..what is up with this weather???
12:15pm: I call my dad to complain to him that it's freezing and that the "rain gods" are in over-drive. His reply: "La NiƱa" great... For those that are curious - here is the link.

I now look out at the weather and am seriously considering making Curried Shrimp Bisque soup with fresh hot bread. I knew I should have replenished the supplies. *sigh*

Friday, March 24, 2006

My Favorite Cross-Stitch Magazine

Well I have to tell you about my favorite cross-stitch magazine. It has both detailed as well as simple projects to do all year around. It's 6 monthly issues. It's called The Cross-Stitcher. Here is a sneak peak of the April issue. I haven't gotten mine yet, but I dying for it!!!

One of the gifts I making right now is from this magazine.

Getting the itch to stitch!!!

Thursday, March 23, 2006 here is another test.

I am attempting to figure out what I am going to do about photos. I am currently using Yahoo photos and am going to see if I can link to one of my nature photos.

In trying this's very interesting and very different that loading a profile image. You actually have the choice about whether to load something from your hard drive. This might be worthwhile after all. After all the pain of the setting up the profile, I was having some serious second thoughts about coming to blogger....need to think more.

Need to cross-stitch

I've have come to the conclusion that I want to go and hide under some table and never have another partner than the ones I already currently know. For those of you that don't understand this statement my co-worker and I are realizing how sunk we are feeling about features that were under another's work list and how much chaos it has and still does make us feel like we are in.

I know I would feel very betrayed being a new tester and coming into this mess. *shudder*. I guess I expected too much. I need to go home and cross-stitch.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny

Ok folks, if you didn't see this on my Yahoo site, I figured I would add it here for posterity. This is the The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiney. This just killed me and I was able to download the .mp3 - it made me laugh that much. I ran across this .mp3 today and couldn't help myself. Therefore..please enjoy.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Man..I hope that was the hardest part

Trying to load a picture into my profile is like trying to beat a bear with a plastic baseball bat. Man...that was truly a painful experience. We'll see how this process goes. I might just continue to use my pics up on yahoo and use a link from there to here to see stuff. Cause I am not sure I am happy about it. We'll see if I figure it out.

Just so that you know how painful this was, I went to the help for learning how to update the profile with your picture. Here is the FAQ answer:
How do I upload my photograph?
You need to have a way to upload files to the Web, then you need to put your photo URL in the space provided.

Really??? It's that easy??? *rolling eyes*.

I've moved!!!!

Welcome to those who haven't seen my blog before, and welcome back to those that have seen me on I had to move. I wanted the freedoms that yahoo hasn't figured out how to do yet. Yahoo, to it's credit, did help me to graduate though. I hadn't blogged before I went yahoo. I wasn't sure if I'd even keep up with it. They gave me the security that I needed to feel like I could blog without having an issue. So now I am going to something better... here. :)

I'll slowly update this with my photos and a couple of the posts that I had on yahoo (cause I just enjoy them so much). I am HERE!!! *dancing*.