Thursday, March 30, 2006

Must jabber about a tool

Ok, so my work involves quality assurance at a software company. Apart of my job is to figure out all the jibberish that people put in their bugs and come up with a set of steps in English that make sense for an R&D engineer to use to quickly understand the problem.

Have you ever heard of the addage "A picture is worth a 1000 words" ? Well it is very true - especially in my job. So for those of you that really find this to be the case too, I have a free tool to share with you that allows you to render and make shots of your screen to make a quick (no sound) video that can be either rendered as a Shockwave .exe or as a Shockwave object.

Enter Wink. This tool when installed is a quick little program that will allow you to take screen shots of your screen at various points through the process of showing what it is that you are showing. It's AWESOME. I was able to have another QA engineer in Singapore send me a shot to explain what was really going on and turns out the naming convention being used in the bug was the incorrect term and thus the reason why I couldn't reproduce. :)

I highlyl recommend it. It's an awesome tool

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