Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year - Welcome to 2008

Well we've gone through another year. This last one was calm and collected. It was happy for the most part with a few trials and tribulations that have worked out fine in the end. I've learned a few things in this year:
1) take the 2 weeks Christmas vacation - you'll need it to make it through the next year with a fresh mind.

2) Never try to do dry rot repair on the roof and around the house in November - no matter how much you don't think it's invasive to the house - you might just have to end up replacing the entire roof by January (like we're doing).

3) Cross Stitch is a necessary thing to remove stress

4) Music is a necessary importance in your life. It's relaxing, it's motivating, it's distracting, and focusing all at the same time.

That being said, we're moving to 2008. Resolutions you ask? Nah. I find I break them most of the time. We're working on the downstairs and getting it cleaned up and usable. We're cleaning out the garage to make it more usable. We're getting rid of crap that we no longer need. We're spending more time with family. All of these? These were goals for 2007... see what I mean? Hehe. Anyway, I wish you all a happy New Year.

hmmm note to self: finish postings about Disneyland in November before I completely forget :)

OH! the other change that is coming for this year! I've moved from QA in the IDE world to QA in the Activex world. I couldn't be happier. It's a completely new genre. I've started my reading and hope to prove more useful and goal oriented as the year progresses. I think I was burned. Glad Chris saw the need and made the change.

Anyway...Happy New Year to all! PS: those of you with Facebook add me to your list of friends :) I have been having a great deal of fun in that realm.

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