Monday, July 21, 2008

An interesting article

So I am not sure who might find this interesting, but a few years ago, my honey (Marcus) introduced me to NPR (National Public Radio).  It's a great talk radio show with loads of different stuff. I listen to it on my way to work in the morning (Morning Edition) and then on my way to picking up Irene (All Things Considered).

About a week ago (maybe less) I got to listen to a section on Morning Edition having to do with recommendations for reading on an Airplane.  It was a combination of both adult and kids books.  It really sounded fascinating..but of course, since I was driving I couldn't write down the books.  So I went up to and searched.  Lo and behold, here are the recommendations.  I think I'll be picking up a few of these.

I did a small search.  Some of the books are on .

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