Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Android - learning to program

Well, I bit the bullet.  I decided it was time to learn how to program in the Android space.  Plus I wanted to do it on my mac.  First thing I had to ask myself was: What the heck language did Android use? I was praying Java, as it was Google that was doing this...but  fearful it was going to be yet another different language I was going to have to learn in the process.  Mind you, I am not complaining I need this type of practice.  But still...

OK so first things first. What did I do?  I did a search using keywords "tutorial Android".  I also used "netbeans android tutorial" cause I am using the Netbeans IDE rather than Eclipse.  I like Eclipse but it I like netbeans better - probably because it was the IDE I used to learn Java in my "Learn Java in 21 Days" book.  If I sat down and worked with Eclipse for a while I'd probably figure it out.  *shrug* if I find the plug-in support netbeans isn't sufficient then sure..I'll do it.

 Results of the search: found a crap ton of stuff.  Not a big surprise..but still surprised to find that they had a plug-in for netbeans in the first place.  Interested in the link I chose?  Here you go:


This took me to everywhere I needed to get started.  It included:
  • Getting the SDK installed
  • Getting the plug-in setup in Netbeans 
  • and probably more - but wanted to try running a basic Hello World and ran into issues.
  • which I am now researching.
My first issue I ran into:  I didn't realize you have to install the SDK yourself.  I've gotten spoiled when I worked with our Dev Suite at Embarcadero - we provided the SDK's for you.  Not so much with trying Android.  I can't complain - it's free...

Next issue I ran into with my mac: If you're running a mac and you want to create a virtual device that the emulator will attach to,  or run any of the tools for that matter, I found I was getting "Command Not Found" anytime I tried something from within the Terminal window.  Turns out I was calling the commands as I would in Windows/DOS... *smack on the hand* bad girl!  You need to start thinking Linux..hmm..wonder if there is a Cabrillo Class online for learning Linux stuff. :)

Anyway, I found this link showed me what I was doing wrong.  Now I have a couple of virtual devices created that I can have the emulator link to... YAY!!! I just figured that out. 

Now: for those of you who want to get started with Android using Eclipse - you're life will probably be easier because the Android Doc's reference that plug-in as the defacto plug-in.  :)  For that see the following link:

Main Home page for Android: http://developer.android.com/index.html

SDK page: http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html
 - you'll find the installs as the first thing for the SDK here.
 - Also in the instructions it talks about working with Eclipse and the ADT (Android Dev Tool) plug-in for it.

Dev Guide: http://developer.android.com/guide/index.html 

So now I'll go try out Hello World and report back in the next blog post. :) Ciao for now!

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Cabrillo's online programs

Well, I have to post of the latest things I've been doing. I haven't posted it here.  I have been taking classes.   Amber suggested we take classes through Cabillo's Online system.  The first class I've been taking was Python. I finished it a week ago or so.  Classes are 6 weeks with 2 classes a week, and great for getting you into the area you're interested in.  No credits - but if you're like me where you don't need credits - just exposure - this is great.  Classes are $95 each and you get a certificate of completion once you take the final.

One wish: They had done the Python class in version 3.0 rather than 2.5 but I can figure out the updates.  Overall, it was a good exposure.  Amber and I have since been investigating different pages related to Python.  One of the things that I wanted to add was additional exercises that I could complete to help keep my background up.  I found this: http://www.bembry.org/technology/python/exercises/ 

Another class I am taking right now is An Introduction to Java. I have to say, I was not prepared for an introduction to Programming using Java - but that's that's what this is.  If you're willing to put up with the fact that it takes nearly 6 lessons before you write your first program, then it might be worth it.  It's got an intermediate class, but not sure if I'll take it yet.   I think because I wanted to learn Java and not how to program that I find this particular teacher rather irritating and loves to get off topic easily.  Again - if you want the extra reinforcement into programming, this class might be for you.   I find it hard to get into the class as I am just now into Lesson 5 (remember we have 12 lessons total) and we're just now writing our first program.

I am giving serious consideration to PHP/MySQL class next but I am pacing myself.  The different classes start every month - Feb 17, Mar 17, April 17 etc.  So you have a 2 week overlap of classes ie: 4 classes that overlap each other.  So we'll see if I get to it.

Anyway, had to post the latest endeavors. 

Monday, March 08, 2010

Latest Cross-Stitch pieces

Boy..I am the poster galore today.  I also realized that I had not posted the piece I worked on for Christmas for my mom.  It was a Huck Towel called "Peppers".  It was a real treat to see it come together.  I had a load of fun making it and it took probably 3 weeks total.  The first 2 weeks were working each day perhaps 2-3 hours a day.  The last week was maybe an hour a night or so mainly because I didn't quite finish it by Christmas and gave it to my Mom a couple of weeks afterward - so I wasn't as motivated to finish it until about the week before Mom was coming ;).  The Procrastinator to the fore-front. But finished it is..here is a pic:

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Finally getting out of the US!

Man, I suddenly realize that a whole bunch of stuff has happened that I needed to post about.  Besides my little dancer... I forgot to mention that we finally applied for our Passports so we can see the world!  We applied about 2 weeks ago Friday.  So we've got at least another 3 weeks to go before having any chance looking for our passports in the mail...we'll see.

So the next thing is: "Where are we going!?" right?  :)  Well Marcus' sister and the family moved to Spain in November of 2009.  It was a real big surprise...but at the same time I know they are enjoying it.  We're keeping in touch over skype at this point - saves some serious money and we can still see our nephews and how fast they are growing.  So yes..that is where we are going this summer.  Spain - Barcelona specifically.  We're contemplating seeing Rome (apparently it's a 45 minute flight from Barcelona) and possibly make a trip to Paris as well.  I was thrilled just to see Spain, but apparently we can go to these other places too without too much trouble. :)

Now we do the waiting game.  But it won't be for long!!! WHEE!!

My little dancer

I can remember a time when I would dance on stage for friends and family for the recitals I learned dances for. Tap, Ballet, etc.  Now the next generation is about to take over.  Irene and I went on Friday (yesterday) and got her signed up for dance class.  It's a combo class of tap, jazz, and ballet.  There will be a recital in June. 

She's soo excited.  So Friday (yesterday), we flew down to Santa Cruz right after sign-up to get her dance gear.  Leotard, tights, ballet slippers, and tap shoes.  Just as a little extra she got a little skirt too.  She was soo adorable - but I have to say that...I am Momma. :)  I need to get photos that I took on my iPhone over to my PC.  Once I do that, I'll update this blog post and show the cute pics.