Saturday, March 06, 2010

My little dancer

I can remember a time when I would dance on stage for friends and family for the recitals I learned dances for. Tap, Ballet, etc.  Now the next generation is about to take over.  Irene and I went on Friday (yesterday) and got her signed up for dance class.  It's a combo class of tap, jazz, and ballet.  There will be a recital in June. 

She's soo excited.  So Friday (yesterday), we flew down to Santa Cruz right after sign-up to get her dance gear.  Leotard, tights, ballet slippers, and tap shoes.  Just as a little extra she got a little skirt too.  She was soo adorable - but I have to say that...I am Momma. :)  I need to get photos that I took on my iPhone over to my PC.  Once I do that, I'll update this blog post and show the cute pics.

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