Thursday, April 27, 2006

Spring Fever has arrived

And it's about time. it doesn't help any more than all this rain, but it's definitely a better feeling than depression. Now, however, I want to go to the garden center and get a whole bunch of HUGE pots to grow my vegetable patch in.

You should SEE my cucumbers and carrot plants in my kitchen window area. They are beautiful. Course, I also have Basil, and Cilantro, and Lettuce all growing too..but There is 1 iddy biddy problem. I mixed up the Lettuce with some of the other plants and I now wondering which is which *sigh*. Oh well!!! I am sure I'll find out eventually. :)

I need to run away!!!!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Made a fun discovery

Well..I recently did a Pampered Chef show and it was a great deal of fun. I was originally thinking that this would be the show that would shove me into the consulting world of Pampered Chef. I have since discovered that I am not nearly as interested in becoming a consultant as I am just gathering all sorts of people at the house (regardless if it's for Pampered Chef or otherwise). I am discovering that I want to cook for the people and have them come over and enjoy a glass of wine and some fun. Course...I love what can I say? *wide grin*

Therefore, I am posting out an possible idea. What if I held a party every couple to 6 months that involved a theme (ex: Indian, Thai, a new recipe, or Ice Cream???) Timing would vary depending on the meal/endevor that would be done. Perhaps we could even turn this into a cooking event where everyone could try a new recipe of their own at the house or bring it (potluck fashion). Some occassions would even work that we could bring kids in the afternoon :)

Anway I had to let this I was surprised to discover this in myself.

And the new cross-stitch piece is....

Halfway done!!! god.. I love this new piece I am doing. It's just beautiful. The picture does it no justice. I was originally hesitant to do it, because the picture wasn't to the quality of what I expect cross-stitch pieces to be (thinking that it was the cross-stitch piece to blame).

My lesson: If you like the picture, even if it isn't a good the piece anyway. It's turning out to be 100% better than the pic. Can't wait till it's done so I can take a picture of it myself. :D. I might even send this back to The CrossStitcher (the magazine I pulled this from). Maybe they'll republish the pattern in a future mag (which they've been doing a lot latetly) with the new pic. *wide grin*.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Child wants to stay in bed????? Heaven or Hell?

6:45am. Alarm goes off. Mom had a rough night with coughing issues and so gladly snuggles into the blankets for a few minutes longer. Toddler is still sleeping.

7:10am, mom gets up sadly thinking that said 2 year old will be bouncing off the walls any moment. Mom wonders if maybe she could sneak back to bed for a 2 minute snooze.

7:20 am Having gotten dressed, Mom goes out to feed and de-pee the dog. Mom realizes that the kitchen is a disaster and should empty the dishwasher. 2 year old is still asleep. Is this heaven or hell?

8am: Child is still sleeping. Mom is definitely feeling like this is hell. She could have been sleeping in more. *grump* Why is it that on days that we have to get up and get going they sleep in? And days on the weekend they're up at the god awful hour of 6am. *sigh*. This has to be hell. Only hell would do this such an evil thing on a weekday.

8:15am: Mom has to go into toddler's bedroom and wake up child to get ready for daycare. Said 2 year old looks so cute and comfy in the blankets. Mom seriously considers going back to her own bed at this point.

8:30am: Having made Eggos for toddler, it takes mom stripping the blankets off the child's bed before said little one will come out to eat. Mom is definitely feeling ripped off today.

8:50am: Hubby asks "Can you stop by McDonalds and bring me breakfast?" sure..why not..nothing else is on time today....

9:15am: Child and mom walk out the door and go to McDonalds to get said breakfast.

9:30am: took 15 minutes to get throught eMcDonalds line today..*sigh* Drop off food (make hubby come out in his jammies for it), and drop child off at daycare praying provider will read the note and update information.

10am: Mom really is ready to go back for a nap. Grabs coffee and begins the real day *sigh*

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

House warming gift #1 complete

Well..I said that I would post a pic when the piece was done. Click on the link below. It *should* take you to where I have put up the latest pieces.

Update: decided to upload the pic directly. Still annoyed that Yahoo photos requires you to have an account to see...grrrr

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Easter Poem 2006

Well..I got inspriation and hope finally from looking at the green - even though it is still raining. May you enjoy this Easter Poem as much as I did in making it.

Easter fun with eggs and cheer.
Bringing chocolates all the year.
Spring comes forth to share the glee.
Eggs are found on the wonderous green.

Life picks up as clouds dash by.
Rain goes away and birds will fly.
Flowers pop up with colors abound.
Bugs and worms popup from the ground.

Family, friends, and people bring,
Cheer and life and reason to sing.
Children laugh and play all day.
Treasures are found, in baskets to stay.

Chilly evenings send all inside,
To eat their fill and grin in pride.
Children examine their basket in depth.
Parents look on with bated breath.

The clock announces time for bed.
Children cling to the basket instead.
Announcing firmly it's time to sleep.
Stories of Eggs and Easter to keep.

Warm glow of nightlights bring dreams of the day.
Little ones sigh, in bed to stay.
(c) 2006 SE

The Easter Egg Eggstraveganza

Ok. Picture a happy toddler slamming an egg into the color dye bucket, looking up and saying "What happen, momma?" A blue streak runs across the tile counter and little blue hands are now being thoroughly examined by the toddler attempting to figure out if she needs to have a fit about messy hands or not.

We made it through all 12 eggs without breaking or cracking during the process, which was rather amazing. We had to give a new definition to the word: "gentle" at this point as well. After a while pink and blue splashes became minimal, but hands turning colors was not ok. She was still not too sure even after the bath.

The bright pink, purple, yellow, orange, blue and green colored eggs now sit in a container in the fridge awaiting to be hidden by the Easter Bunny. Said toddler still doesn't have a clue what is going on here yet, much to the delight of mother who has all the candy sitting out on the counter because she doesn't know where else to put it. Incidentally, mother had to restrian from getting a beautiful Brazillian chocolate egg yesterday at Cafe Brazil because it would mean yet another upgrade in basket size *shudder*. Mom just couldn't face that yet.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

What to write about??

So much can happen in a day and it's hard to actually put things in perspective. I look out at this soggy day and continue to wonder how I could have made my last post. I think I am litterally going to grow moss and mold on my body, I feel so soggy from all this rain. It's time to go home and do some cross-stitch.

OH which reminds me, I need to post the pics of the towel I finished. *wide grin*. 3 more to go...I added another person to my list. :)

Friday, April 07, 2006

It's strange

Today I've been thinking "it's going to rain". I've been anticipating it strangely enough. I thought originally it was because was dreading it happening *again*. But now looking at it now, I am finding that now that i have had a little bit of sun, that I can find the beauty again in the wind watching the droplets hit the window. It's cold, and makes me wish for my cross-stitch, a warm fireplace, and my puppy dog sitting on my feet. :) Don't ask my why.

The other thing that helps me through this I am finding is Enya's new CD. It has a calming song called "It's in the rain". I just went to Enya's web site looking for a snippet of the track so that you'd get an idea of the song. Lo and Behold here is the Video!!! Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

My god! There was sunlight

Some one hit me over the head now! I had sunlight come in my office for the first time in weeks! I am going to be spoiled if this keeps up. :) I might just go out and plant some of my first spring stuff into little planter pots to put in my kitchen window when I get off work. :)

Monday, April 03, 2006

OH! I did make it outside this weekend!

I actually did do things outside this weekend. I took clippings of my spider plant that has proliferated every where and put them into a couple of clay pots. Putting those in my office soon. :)

And I made a spice pot for a bridal shower that is going on next weekend. I planted it yesterday before the rains came and I walked out this morning expecting everything to be dead. Instead, the plants looked healthier than they had when they were in their plastic containers. I am so proud. :) I didn't kill anything. So I had a grand idea in mind looking for a particular pot. I finally was able to find out that the pot I wanted, was a strawberry pot - go figure. :) Below is the image.

Instead of the strawberries you see poking out of the holes, I replaced it with Rosemary coming out of the top and smaller herbs in each of the holes.

I used Cilantro, Thyme, Sweet Basil, Cinnamon Basil, Parsely, and Peppermint in the holes. I was so proud of how it looked. Am going to go home tonight and take a pic of it if I can.

This wasn't a traditional bridal shower gift by any means, but then again, this wasn't a traditional anything. This shower is a) a surprise, b) the folks are actually already married. They got married in Hawaii and then told us afterwards. :) c) They have been together for years, so they have most everything. I thought this would be nice as a "wedding gift" more so than a bridal gift, but it works for both :). Anyway, I'll try to post a real pic as soon as I take one. Am quite proud of this. :)

So, I as I was searching for a picture of the pot I bought for the seasoning pot, I ran aross this. Go figure!! I might have to get a couple of these. Cool huh?

In case you haven't noticed, I am wild about herbs. I LOVE them. I am growing some in my kitchen along with Lettuce, Carrots, and Cucumbers for this year's summer garden. We'll see how we do. :)

Almost finished... :)

Well with the way the weather has been lately about all I can do is to cross-stitch right now. Needless to say it's I am almost finished with one of my pieces I am making *dancing around*. I can't wait to take photos to put up on the photos page. When I do finish, I'll put up my announcement. It's a very nice piece (which is all I will say due to the fact that it's present. :)).

After that, it is 2 more to go ;). And then my Iris piece . I can't WAIT!!