Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Potty training moving along

Well...the Memorial Day weekend saw an interesting furtherance. The little one decided to actually go poopy in the potty. :) Momma was very pleased with this as it was the first time at home. She's been doing this at daycare pretty well lately. I have to say I am surprised. I was not expecting her to figure this out the way she is. Right now, it's been a trip to the potty when she realizes that she wants to try, or Momma finding she is concentrating a bit too hard and can catch her in the process. Daycare has been catching her in the mornings at times and then always after nap she will go pee pee. I hope that this turns out to be a wonderful blessing. I guess it's time for me to get that portable potty for the car that I planned on getting from One Step Ahead. :)

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Growing Pains - Pt2

Well..just got a call from the Pre-school. We're scheduled for an appt to say hello on Friday June 2nd at 10am. *sigh*. I think I am going to go insane.

Oh the pain of watching your child grow

Pray for me. I just called Quail Hollow Pre-school to begin the process of figuring out where to put Irene as she moves forward and turns 3. If you had asked me about pre-school and putting your child in prior to my having a child, I had no qualms of telling people it was a necessity. Now..having a child turning 3 I am recognizing the ramifications of this thought. MY BABY IS GROWING UP!!!!

May the gods of parenthood take pity on me. *sigh*. My heart is thumping. I left a voicemail message and I stuttered all the way through it. Hopefully the poor people take pity on me and call me back. I hate doing cold calls.

More to come.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

oh my goodness...

I have to say Patterns Online is adorable!!! I found Irene's next piece that I want to do for her. :)
Soccer balls have always been a passion for her. Now...I have found one I want to do for her. :)

Have a look. what do I do?? The Iris or the this piece first??? *biting nails*.

BTW: The towel is alllllmmmmoooost finished. I have one more section that is about 2 fingers wide and the backstitch to do. I am still aiming to finish it before Fondue night. Talk about a nail biter!!! I so am looking forward to seeing what this piece comes out to be.


Thursday, May 18, 2006

I am such a geek

I know everyone pretty much knows this, but I had to make another confession. I am such a geek. E3 just finished it has spurred me into another frenzy of game play *sigh*. There is a serious problem here because now I am torn to play games and I *really* need to finish this gift I am working on. Yesterday, I sat and cross-stitched for an hour or so and then couldn't stand it anymore. I pulled out my GameBoy SP and played Sims 2 till my honey got home from D&D. God it was fun!!!

I was very bad and brought it with me to work too. *sigh*. Fortunately I am resisting to go down to my car and get it, but I have to go get my allergy shot today, and figured I could get some time in during the lunch hour :)

I am such a geek.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Dirt Monster

I have pictures of this, however I don't have them uploaded you'll have to bear with just a description.

2 weekends ago there was a little 2 year old that didn't like to get her hands dirty. She would try to make sure they were always clean. Mommy thought this wasn't a natural thing for a two year old and attempted to change this thought. Mommy went to the garden store and bought Terra cotta pots for vegetables that were growing larger than the kitchen window and on that Saturday afternoon, started to move soil into the pots. The conversation goes as follows:
"Momma, What's Dat!?"
"It's okay, baby. Momma is getting her hands dirty and putting soil into the pots."
"Dirty?" she asks curiously
Momma holds out her hands covered in smelly soil.
The 2 year old backs up with a look of horror.
"It's ok, sweetheart. See? Momma loves the dirt." Mommy proceeds to drop more soil into the pots. "Do you want to help momma?"
"Yeah!!!!" with great enthusiasm and prompty puts her hands into the soil bag and starts to move soil to the pod - one hand at a time. Suddenly realization dawns on her adorable little face and she looks at her hands in horror. "MOMMA!!!! " showing her hands "YUCK!!!!"
Mommy smiles shows her hands to her little one, "See sweetheart. Mommy's hands are yuck too. It's okay!" Mommy continues to move soil. Little one watches and helps for a little while longer and then gets bored. Her hands, however, remain dirty.
Mommy smiles in contentment.

The following weekend the little 2 year old is running around wildly with waaayyy too much energy. Mommy, needing a little time to continue to get somethings done, remembers that there are digging toys in the garage. When said 2 year old shrieks, Mommy decides "To hell with a Sand and Water table. We're going to use what we have." Mommy brings in the digging tools from the garage into the house, to which the little 2 year old says, "Ooooo...What's dat, momma?"
"It's your digging toys. Do you want go play in the sand?"
The little one looks with questioning eyes at her mother, unsure what is being said.
"Come on, baby..let's go in the back yard."
"OUTSIDE!!!!! YAY!!!" She scrambles out the door barely missing the door on her way out cause Mommy can't get it open fast enough.

Side note: Please note here that the entire yard is built on top of sand. You dig *anywhere* in our yard and you'll find sand. So the plants that were pulled out recently result in a large length of sand box revealed. It will ultimately be partially planted again, but who can pass up a pre-created sand box!?

Mommy crawls over the bench to where the sand is and pulls out all the sand toys. The two year old watches curiously. Mommy pulls out the shovel, "See sweetheart? You use a shovel and dig." The grin that appears on the 2 year old's face is from ear to ear when she realizes the potential. Two year old scrambles over the bench and grabs the shovel.

Needless to say, Mommy walks into the house after applying 50 sun block to childs' skin and doesn't hear a peep for an hour and a half. After arriving home from going to the store (just at nap time), 2 year old delcares "I go outside now." Mommy doesn't think this is a bad thing - 15 minutes of getting the groceries etc in, would be a good amount of time. *sigh*

45 minutes later, getting caught on the phone, Mommy looks out the window just in time to see said toddler dump an entire bucket of sand down the front. Mommy suddenly is realizing the ramifications of showing her baby that it's ok to get dirty. *sigh*. In short, there were 3 changes of clothes that day with as many face and hands washings and the look of a racoon that was just adorable. Pictures were shot and Daddy got to experience the changes that occured. There is now more sand toys added to the area and said baby has found another way to spend time outside - much to her delight.

Ultimately, mommy and daddy aren't too unhappy as the little one is able to entertain herself with great gusto and not be watching TV. The baths are worth it.

Monday, May 08, 2006

A confession of PMS and Krispy Kremes.

Well it was a looooonnngggg weekend and this chickie's PMS did not improve much. Saturday was the worst culminating in my doing the the absolute worst thing I could think of to make myself "feel better". I decided that the best thing I could do for myself on the most evil days was to go straight into the back area of Nob Hill where they keep the yogurts and pick up a box that contained 1/2 dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts.

You say to yourself..oh no! I say: "oh yess...and it would DELIGHTFUL!" But we didn't get the most evil part of this whole thing yet. *wide evil grin of magnanamouse proportions*. I paid for said Krispy Kremes and the entire shopping cart full of food stuffs along with an adorablely sweet child of 2 followed me out to my car (the baggers help to deliver stuff :) ). I had the bagger load all the bags into the back while I packed said 2 year old into her car seat. I then walked around the back (the bagger had left) and opened that door. I went through every bag of groceries till I found that box of Krispy Kremes. I pulled one out and ate it as I walked back to my car. Darling 2 year old child wanted to visit a friend 1 last time, and who I was to resist? So we drove over to the store to see Claire. After that we visited the fish and then headed back to the car. I again, went into the back of the car and pulled out another doughnut. BTW..they were both just beyond yummy.

We got home and got all the food into the house. I then put on a movie for the my little darling and went back to the kitchen where all the bags had been put, pulled out the Krispy Kreme box and put it on the counter. I then went ahead and had my 3rd doughnut in < 1 hour. shudder..but it gets much much worse. >:)

I paused to attempt to control myself only to find that I couldn't. Kripsy Kreme #4 went down the hatch about 15 minutes after that. I found that was suddenly not feeling too great (funny that) and decided that it was time to stop this little sugar binge. I got a cheese stick at this point, a glass of water and sat down for a while to cross-stitch. I really started to not feel good. The sugar binge is really starting to hit. The little one and I get up and go outside. It was time to garden. I had to do something.

Dinner time occurred and hubby returned home from his day of gaming. I admitted to the eating of 4 Krispy Kremes, head hung in shame. Please note that at the beginning of this, I said that I box of a 1/2 dozen... so there are 2 left still. (you can start to run now..if you wish).

Since Hubby is out all day gaming and I am on my own with the little one, bath and bedtime end up being his job that night. As squealing ensues in the bathroom and splashing abounds, I go into the kitchen and pull the 5th doughnut out of the box and gobble it down happily. I suddenly begin to notice a small headache..but don't think much of it (seriously.. you can run for the hills now).

2 year old is heard being extracted from the tub of delights and taken into the bedroom. Feeling guilty that I didn't participate, I head into the back room to help with the dressing. Hubby gets little one dressed and we go out to the front room to watch the last little bit of hockey. It's 8 o'clock and Hubby and baby go back for bedtime read and night night. The door closed and I calmly and delibrately walked into the kitchen, grabbed the final Krispy Kreme and shoved the box into the trash. I relished that wonderful doughnut with all that is evil in PMS. My butt will show off the entire half dozen by the end of the week I am sure.

My body's repayment for this terrible deed? I got a HUGE migraine for the rest of the night and into the next day. I accept my punishment and still can't believe I did it, but GOD it was good going down!!!!

Friday, May 05, 2006

Making up for lost time :)

wow!!! 2 posts in 1 day - don't get used to this. ';) I have to say..I just saw the latest trailer out for the new Superman movie and I am soo ready to see this. It looks AWESOME!!! If you're curious go to:

Superman Returns


Ode to PMS

This just has to be posted.....I can soo RELATE!!! FYI: I had problems gettting this to work in might want to bring up IE to do this. :) You're supposed to hear a .wav file while you're viewing this page.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Don't know why

But I have nothing to talk about for several days now. I think somthing is wrong with me. Rebecca: behave yourself. :P