Monday, May 08, 2006

A confession of PMS and Krispy Kremes.

Well it was a looooonnngggg weekend and this chickie's PMS did not improve much. Saturday was the worst culminating in my doing the the absolute worst thing I could think of to make myself "feel better". I decided that the best thing I could do for myself on the most evil days was to go straight into the back area of Nob Hill where they keep the yogurts and pick up a box that contained 1/2 dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts.

You say to yourself..oh no! I say: "oh yess...and it would DELIGHTFUL!" But we didn't get the most evil part of this whole thing yet. *wide evil grin of magnanamouse proportions*. I paid for said Krispy Kremes and the entire shopping cart full of food stuffs along with an adorablely sweet child of 2 followed me out to my car (the baggers help to deliver stuff :) ). I had the bagger load all the bags into the back while I packed said 2 year old into her car seat. I then walked around the back (the bagger had left) and opened that door. I went through every bag of groceries till I found that box of Krispy Kremes. I pulled one out and ate it as I walked back to my car. Darling 2 year old child wanted to visit a friend 1 last time, and who I was to resist? So we drove over to the store to see Claire. After that we visited the fish and then headed back to the car. I again, went into the back of the car and pulled out another doughnut. BTW..they were both just beyond yummy.

We got home and got all the food into the house. I then put on a movie for the my little darling and went back to the kitchen where all the bags had been put, pulled out the Krispy Kreme box and put it on the counter. I then went ahead and had my 3rd doughnut in < 1 hour. shudder..but it gets much much worse. >:)

I paused to attempt to control myself only to find that I couldn't. Kripsy Kreme #4 went down the hatch about 15 minutes after that. I found that was suddenly not feeling too great (funny that) and decided that it was time to stop this little sugar binge. I got a cheese stick at this point, a glass of water and sat down for a while to cross-stitch. I really started to not feel good. The sugar binge is really starting to hit. The little one and I get up and go outside. It was time to garden. I had to do something.

Dinner time occurred and hubby returned home from his day of gaming. I admitted to the eating of 4 Krispy Kremes, head hung in shame. Please note that at the beginning of this, I said that I box of a 1/2 dozen... so there are 2 left still. (you can start to run now..if you wish).

Since Hubby is out all day gaming and I am on my own with the little one, bath and bedtime end up being his job that night. As squealing ensues in the bathroom and splashing abounds, I go into the kitchen and pull the 5th doughnut out of the box and gobble it down happily. I suddenly begin to notice a small headache..but don't think much of it (seriously.. you can run for the hills now).

2 year old is heard being extracted from the tub of delights and taken into the bedroom. Feeling guilty that I didn't participate, I head into the back room to help with the dressing. Hubby gets little one dressed and we go out to the front room to watch the last little bit of hockey. It's 8 o'clock and Hubby and baby go back for bedtime read and night night. The door closed and I calmly and delibrately walked into the kitchen, grabbed the final Krispy Kreme and shoved the box into the trash. I relished that wonderful doughnut with all that is evil in PMS. My butt will show off the entire half dozen by the end of the week I am sure.

My body's repayment for this terrible deed? I got a HUGE migraine for the rest of the night and into the next day. I accept my punishment and still can't believe I did it, but GOD it was good going down!!!!


  1. OH..follow up to that. Hubby thinks I threw away the last 2 Krispy Kreme's without asking if he wanted one first. If he read this, I am sure I will be deep do-do. Course he asked me where the Krispy Kreme *box* was..not the doughnuts. I told him where I had put the box..just not what had happened to the doughnuts ahead of time. >:)

  2. What a confession....I am sure everyone understands and forgive I told you...your penance will be share...share my dear next time with your friends in the same boat;-)

  3. HAHAHAHAHA - yes. I agree. share. please. my butt is not big enough.

  4. Well, I have no pms excuse just a b-day party or two and huge amoungs of cheese fondue and cake and ice cream cake and ....
    So sometimes you just have to let go.

  5. man amber, how can you pig out like that? sheesh. I swear. no self control.

  6. All together now:
    New Post, New Post, New Post! :D


    your adoring fans are becoming disgruntled.
