Thursday, May 18, 2006

I am such a geek

I know everyone pretty much knows this, but I had to make another confession. I am such a geek. E3 just finished it has spurred me into another frenzy of game play *sigh*. There is a serious problem here because now I am torn to play games and I *really* need to finish this gift I am working on. Yesterday, I sat and cross-stitched for an hour or so and then couldn't stand it anymore. I pulled out my GameBoy SP and played Sims 2 till my honey got home from D&D. God it was fun!!!

I was very bad and brought it with me to work too. *sigh*. Fortunately I am resisting to go down to my car and get it, but I have to go get my allergy shot today, and figured I could get some time in during the lunch hour :)

I am such a geek.

1 comment:

  1. looks like you lost the internal battle about whether or not to bring the SP to your office. :-D
