Wednesday, June 21, 2006

I just have 1 question

I will preface this with, my child isn't old enough to use a computer and I realize that I am probably on my "high and mighty chair", but where were the parents in this whole thing??? I just saw this, and am wondering how the *mother* can actually believe they are going to get away with this law suit???

Where the hell are the parents? If the parent can't handle a computer but feel they need one in the house, then a) get lessons b) find out if there is community support to help educate parents on things to look out for c) talk with the kid about what they can and can't use on the computer d) talk with the internet provider about blocking software. I am ready to rip my hair out on this. I can't say as I am surprised though considering how the social mentality seems to be "Teach my child about sex cause I can't talk to them about it." "Please rip out content that you think is in appropriate cause I can't seem to make my own decisions."

I think my Grumpy mug fits me perfectly today.


  1. well, I happen to know this woman whose daughter was caught doing inappropriate things on home computers (we know of) about a year ago. consequently all computers in any location where they were controllable (home, father's house, grandparents' house) were secured. under lock and key.

    in spite of this effort, another discovery was made very recently upon reports fromm outside sources that it is still happening.

    let me tell you this:
    - you can ONLY control what goes on in your own home.
    - you can ONLY control your children so much until they are not living their life
    - think school computer internet access (google research is required in schools these days)
    - think friends' houses and your inability to control outside environments

    it's not quite as simple as you might think.

  2. mind you, this is not to say this woman or family is justified in her law suit. I couldn't determine that at all. just wanted to give some devil's advocate from my AHEM friend's point of view.

  3. soap box retracted and some very good points to think about. I still say what the hell??? It's sad to see that the company is the one receiving this type of crap.

  4. I firmly agree. it's a much larger problem than myspace itself. it was like suing napster for illegal mp3 issues.
