Saturday, August 26, 2006

Laptop purchase accomplished

Well, I did it. I replaced my laptop. I purchased a Sony Vaio 1GB RAM 1.67GHZ machine (Duo processor). I got it at Costco . I am soooo pleased I can't hardly contain myself. I am sitting on it now typing this post. :) It will more than suffice for what I need in the coming years. Dell was still sufficient except for the fact that the hardware was dying and my honey bunny was filling to hard drive to capacity to the point I couldn't work on it anymore.

As a point of desperation, I've made this my machine. My sweetheart gets to keep the Dell and do with it as he wishes. I'll pull the rest of my data off of it and off my main machine at work that is personal. This machine will handle all of that data - including when I pull music for my IPod etc. I'll do my programming on this machine that I want to do like my Treo cross-stitch program ( hasn't been lost in the ether but it disappeared with the lack of ability to get on my laptop due to no disk space *sigh*).

This is also a way for me to get a chance to breathe. I can play to my heart's content and *gasp* answer personal email from home. I know. Time fall down in a dead faint! :)

It's soo pretty.. :)

Thursday, August 24, 2006

The count down begins

Well last night we got a new package in the mail from the pre-school. It was a calendar of events for the school year and a general do this and please don't bring that...

Wow! Irene will get to go on 2 Field Trips in the latter part of the school year. The first to Long Marine Labs and the other to the beach. Each of the months have a theme and as a result they study certain things.
Sept = Getting to know you month
= bring an object to show and tell
= learn about our world (earth)
Oct = Turn of the seasons
= learn about autumn
= learn about Mars
= Pajama day on Halloween!!! OMG!! :D

I think I am ready to go back to this school!!! I think I am really starting to get excited about this idea. I hope Irene enjoys this.

*biting nails*
BTW: hubby announced to work that he will be taking first day of school off due to my probably being a basket case that day. *rolling eyes* he knows me too well.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Be Afraid.

Oh dear lord....

click here

Believe it or not...this was on my main page of my google home page.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Feeling motivated

Wow..what a wonderful thing vacation really is. I am finally motivated again to get moving and work on the house. You'll fall over in a dead faint..but this morning, I forced the honey bunny out of bed, made the bed, made the little one's bed, got her breakfast, got dressed and started her lunch within a 1/2 hour!!!! Jeez.

This weekend was devoted to cleaning up, and cross-stitching. I was very pleased to get through the bills etc and get everything shredded that we didn't need anymore. This week is to be devoted to more shredding and getting ready to put in 2 more Gorilla racks in the garage. I am basically finding that the more shredding I do, the more room I have in the garage...isn't that amazing? ;). It's scary too. It tells me if I would just keep up with crap, and get things paid and put online, then I wouldn't have this paper issue out in the garage.

I am determined to get spaces organized and put together. I am so done with clutter. Oh!!! I even put up pictures this weekend that have been down for months due to a reorg of one of the walls *gasp*. I had to get stuff put away. I am going insane otherwise.

Anyway..that was my weekend. :)

Monday, August 14, 2006

We have returned...

Well I thought I would send out a short post to let everyone know we are back. We went to Sacramento last week to visit Grammy. It was fun albeit tiring. Chasing Irene around almost perpetually forced me to looose another 1 1/2 lbs. :) I hope it still shows when I go weigh in at Weight Watchers this week. It tells me that if I would move more in my job, I would find that I wouldn't gain so much weight with what I eat.

We went shopping to JoAnn's of course and they had 2 of my samplers I have been dying for. Got the Summer and Autumn Samplers that I have been drooling over. *sigh*. We also made it to Sac Zoo. Irene wasn't thrilled about it. I think we'll wait another year before going to Happy Hollow. She's not ready for a petting zoo by any means *sigh*. I think I ahd more fun than she did. Got pics though. So I am going to print them here at the house and put them in her picture book she has. Maybe it will help enjoyment going forward.

I had a girls day (mom watched Irene) and we all went to the SunSplash Water Park. Man!!! that was a blast! Wave Pool! Slides for all ages, circular ride the water area. It was really nice. I also learned about a Rash Guard which will help both Irene and me with sun and sun screen. Found out I am allergic to Hawaian Tropic sun tan lotion while I was there. *sigh*. no rash, but it did sting and didn't filter any sun for me. Fortunately the Water park folks saved me on this and I was able to use their Sea And Ski 50. I am sure the Rash guard will be expensive, but worth it. oh!!! had to buy a new swim suit for the occasion because I didn't have mine. was definitely time. So much more comfortable.

OH! Amber: Almost finished with your piece. :) Am on the last 1/4. Maybe next week! :) heheheh

Will post up pics when I get a chance. Am hoping to do it today. We'll see. Gotta pic up the honey bunny at 1:45 today.

More soon!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

of course...

Because I am waiting on a build to install, I just *had* to go to to see what was happening up there. *sigh*. 40% off an item today (those Sandy Orton cross-stitch pieces are calling), and 40% off all their Ott-lites. Been thinking about replacing the one i have. Marcus hates it when I use it because of it's position. Have been thinking about replacing it with an over the shoulder one instead.

*sigh* I guess it's either shopping or eating!! what do you do?

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Thomas is AWESOME

I can remember when I was child-less and heard other parents RAVING and excited about a children's toy that had come to life. I thought then, "My god! They've lost it! Parenting has burned out the adult in them and they are regressing."

Well it's happened to me. We took Irene to see Thomas the Tank Engine. My god, what a fun time! We were so late in getting our act together though that I didn't realize I needed to purchase tickets LONG beforehand. Bummed by this, I thought, oh..I guess we won't go. WRONG! I ended up calling to find out if we could still come and at least let Irene see Thomas. That would be something at least. We were told there would be tons of things to do.

So we went. And man! They were not kidding. Jeez. They had Lego Thomas that kids could climb up on.

Yes..Kids are in the engine are and can sit in there. It was totally cool.

They had soft blow-up-big-as-a-house Thomas. :) They had the gift shop full of nothing but Thomas. Also included was pictures with Sir Tompum (sp?) Hat and even with Thomas himself. So if you haven't gone, go!!! Even though you can't ride with Thomas, their other trains are running.

Take a basket lunch if you want to avoid lines and money issues. We did this and sat out on the picnic tables. Irene told us she was ready for nap just after lunch. :) She slept for 2 3/4 hrs after that. She had a blast. She had that constant "oooooo!!!!" look on her face everywhere we went.

If you want to know more, go to

This was a really awesome trip.