Thursday, April 19, 2007

Update to getting up on her own

Well it's been quite a while since the last post. So I thought I would follow up on our latest story. News flash! Child got out of bed on her own 2 days later to go potty at 1am without Momma!!! wow! I still went in to help with the toilet paper..but still. I was amazed.

She stays in bed when we put her there for bed at night, and will of course tell us just as we are ready to shut off the light "Momma, I have to go potty.". We roll our eyes and allow her to go do her thing.

Oh..the other "funny" thing although I don't think we've seen the last of this. Marcus found her on the potty in our bedroom bathroom cause the toilet paper is easier to reach. He watched in dismay as she flushed 1/4 of a roll of toilet paper down the potty cause she decided she didn't want to pull off a little bit. She (of course) thought this was halarious. Marcus and I are still wondering if the toilet is going to still work in the next couple o days. *shudder*

Monday, April 09, 2007

An era is over...

Well this morning brought an end to the era of "Moooommmmaaa!!! Mommmaaa!!" over the baby monitor to come get the little one out of her bed to come to snuggle.

This morning, we heard a KATHUNK! as the door to her bedroom slammed open and I groggily opened my eyes to find a little blonde haired, blue eyed girl standing next to the bed eagerly awaiting to climb in to get to "her spot" between Momma and Dadda for a family snuggle before getting up and starting the day. I am not entirely certain how I feel about this. I am happy because I don't have to get up out of a nice warm bed now, but my baby is becoming more and more independent. Plus what will this mean as we tell her about bedtimes and staying in bed and going to sleep. :) We'll see. It's and end of an era though.

My husband agrees.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Having way too much fun with these templates :)

Well, it was time for a face lift again! :) The light blue was nice and all, but it didn't show URL links very well and it was almost too mellow. So this template is called "Son of Modo". We'll see how long it lasts. My favorite is still the one that looks like writers script - which is of course called "Scribe". I might return to that one if I don't like this. One of the reasons I had to change was because I switched my account login to get the new features offered. Now it looks like the person that originally did the "Scribe" template ported to the new edition, so I am happy.

It's still fun to play though, right?

Easter weekend
It's Easter weekend and we just finished the 2nd Egg Hunt. Turns out the school had one yesterday too. Irene I guess had quite a blast. So by the time went for this Egg hunt, Irene was totally ready for "hunting". I got pics both inside and out. The first thing that happened was that she, Brooke (yes Brooke was there), and Madisyn all got dressed up in Madisyn's dress up clothes. That was adorable to watch. Then more children arrived and we headed outside. Soon it was a zoo! Supposedly there were 20 children coming. Some with both parents some with only 1. It was still a zoo. :) Amber and Chris did a great job getting that all put together. It spurs me to want to do something a little more extravagant tomorrow..but now she is down for a nap (she was soooo tired). I might go out after Marcus comes home and get some more stickers and things to stick in the eggs..but we'll see. I haven't made up the Easter basket yet!! *ACK!* Ok..guess I know what I am going to go do now. :)

Pictures later!

Friday, April 06, 2007

New Cross Stitch piece update.

Well, yesterday the bug had bitten me so bad, that I went to Beverly's during lunch after my allergy shot and got the supplies. What's amazing to me is that I have a ton of threads. Seriously..I kid you not. I'll show you the next time you come to my house or we hold a girls craft night ;). It amazes me, however, that when I go to do these projects where it is not the kit, I *still* have to go out and buy 5-9 skeins of the cross-stitch thread for each of these projects. Did I mention this just amazes me? This project was no different. This time I was missing about 9 needed colors and black 14 ct aida cloth. Last night I began the organization process of cutting the thread, putting a couple of blocks into the project card and the rest into the repository for future use. I got all but 2 done... then I got distracted that it was time to go to I have a bit more to do tonight before I get to start the project tonight. :)

BTW: I highly recommend using Patterns This is where I got my latest pattern for $3.95. Personally now, because I do have my stash of colors, I much prefer the patterns over an entire kit. They are easier to store (computer), and you can do as many of the projects as you might like - just print out a copy of for that next project. The pattern is not as easily lost, and the big one: If you have a toddler running around with their favorite marker and want to color on "mamma's coloring sheet" you can just reprint and continue where you left off. :D Can't tell that has happened to me, have you? ;)

Anyway..that's the latest. Will hopefully have this piece done a lot sooner than the previous switchplate now that I am back to real fabric :).

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Butterfly Switchplate Cross-Stitch is complete.

Well I finally finished Irene's piece for her room. The picture to the left is one of the sharper editions of the pics I took. Additional photos can be found here. I have to say that this was a lot harder than what it looked. Cross-stitching on vinyl is going to be a rarity for me. It gets harder to work with as you add more detail. Getting the backstitch into it was near impossible after doing the cross-stitch. Reason: Vinyl has no "give" or stretch. Fabric stretches as you add the additional floss. Vinyl won't do that. It's been a good learning piece on things I need more data about cutting fabrincs though. It's something you have to be very precise with I think. I believe I fudged this piece well enough here on the cutting out of the holes and around the edges but it's not easy and most definitely not perfect. :-S

Anyway..the reason this suddenly appeared was because I have been "bitten" by the cross-stitch bug again. I found this new piece I am going to work on. Reason? My grandmother gave me her collection of thimbles which I have hung in the dining room. There is a picture of them here. It's not the greatest way to show them off mind you. You notice that they are dwarfed by the enormity of the wall itself. So my thought, the new piece is one of several that are about 4 1/2 inches wide by 6 inches long. Several of those posted around the thimbles would help make the wall "disappear" so to speak and provide a way to help bring out the thimbles. I expect I'll be doing about 6 - 7 of those type of pieces :). Insane you say? We'll see. :)
