Thursday, April 19, 2007

Update to getting up on her own

Well it's been quite a while since the last post. So I thought I would follow up on our latest story. News flash! Child got out of bed on her own 2 days later to go potty at 1am without Momma!!! wow! I still went in to help with the toilet paper..but still. I was amazed.

She stays in bed when we put her there for bed at night, and will of course tell us just as we are ready to shut off the light "Momma, I have to go potty.". We roll our eyes and allow her to go do her thing.

Oh..the other "funny" thing although I don't think we've seen the last of this. Marcus found her on the potty in our bedroom bathroom cause the toilet paper is easier to reach. He watched in dismay as she flushed 1/4 of a roll of toilet paper down the potty cause she decided she didn't want to pull off a little bit. She (of course) thought this was halarious. Marcus and I are still wondering if the toilet is going to still work in the next couple o days. *shudder*


  1. hahaha- I can feel for you with teh toilet paper. Can't tell you how many times I had to unclog the toilet. We have two things to help with this. First are the froggy wipes, not sure the brand name because they have a frog on them so for us they are froggy wipes. They are flushable and come out one at a time so easier to not get a huge amount. The other is the cottenel toilet paper for kids with the puppy on it. the idea is to just use from one puppy to the next to not grab too much :D

  2. the froggy wipes are great, as long as they don't mind a wet bottom. nikolai had enough time pass between the diapers and potty training that when I introduced wipes he was not exactly happy about the wet experience.
