Wednesday, December 15, 2010

AutoIt Automation Tool

I had to post about this tool that I have come across, used and now have a full LOVE for!  It's called AutoIt. 


This tool is an awesome Windows Scripting tool.  Language is very easy to learn.  Documentation is really rich and support for this tool on their forums was GREAT!  I love this tool so much that I want to be able to read the forums on a regular basis to keep up with the latest and greatest.  What did I have to do, you ask? I needed to automate the process of bringing up IE, handling initial startup configuration dialogs, and then clicking on a toolbar, putting data in (based on a parameter passed in or not), and clicking search.  Easy sounding? Yup.  Tools provided by this was even easier.  Be sure to not only get AutoIt but also it's AutoIt Script Editor Tool that has additional tools to make life easier.

This LINK will take you to the main page that talks about the editing features.  It's got syntax highlighting, Code Folding, Code Completion (Auto Complete they call it), and a load of other features.  Trust me...this is a gem!

Monday, December 06, 2010

Needing to pass on Information

So I have to say, now that I have been working for DDNi, Inc. now for 4 months, I have learned a lot and remembered a LOT more!  For those that need an update: I am an Sr. Automation and Tools Engineer.  Which means I get to do a lot of the stuff that is left over in Engineering that hasn't been categorized with an owner.  For instance, I am a Build Engineer using SmartBear's (a.k.a AutomatedQA) Automated Build Studio.  I am also a QA Engineer developing and working with TestComplete to make an automation system.  I am also doing Tools work to get things working - so I am working to taking over the development of one of our internal tools written in C#.   That doesn't include other tasks that require internal working knowledge that I just basically lept off a cliff and said, "Geronimo!".   

 So needless to say I've been coming up to speed on things in a hurried manner.  In the process I am getting a lot of good data from co-workers and and also from classes and from Memory. I wanted to share with folks in case you're looking for some good reads or recommends.

1) Cabrillo's Online Classes.  OMG! for $95 a pop, these classes are worth it. I know I've posted it before. I continue to give thanks for them now.  Latest class? Intermediate class on C#.  Talk about Awesome! Website: 

2) Refcardz: These are quick reference cards - about 4-5 pages in size with good details about the information you're interested in.  It's free! NOTE: you will have to give an email address as they email you the link to the document ( I assume for tracking purposes) but to me, it's worth it.  I've pulled data ranging from Visual Studio 2010 getting started to, Selenium INtro documents, to Apache etc.  It's worth a look.

3) Scott Hanselman's Blog on useful Tools.  He's done this several years running although it looks like 2009 is the latest he's done so far.  I found it GREAT and useful.  If' you're a tools'll like this link.

4) Notepad++ is included int the list on #3 but I love this too WAY too much to leave it out.  It's a very flexible text editor.  Works well with HTML to XML.  Color encoding of particular languages and good indentation reader.  Good for looking at invisible characters and good plugins.

5) If you're working with HTML/CSS etc, you're going to want to have Firebug.  It's a great tool for debugging HTML.  Found a good tutorial for it too.  Firebug allows you to see nested CSS, and HTML language.  You can make changes right in the editor and it updates on the screen for you. 

These are only a handful of what I've come across over the last 4 months that either I have known about and have forgotten or got an introduction to through necessity and/or co-workers.  I hope you find this useful too.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

C# and Learning

Well, I am taking a class from Cabrillo's online system and I have to say the Intermediate C# class is AWESOME! It's practical and useful.  We've learned a load about just working in Visual Studio 2008's IDE (am using Express edition which is free) and we'll end the course with working with connecting to databases through Visual Studio!  Tre-awesome! 

So as I am doing this, I am learning how to interact with our databases here at work.  That's been a lot of interesting stuff as well.  I am now in the process of bringing these 2 things together and creating an app in Visual Studio 2008 that connects to the databases here at work!  It's something that's trivial - but very useful for me and a few other people around.  As a result, I needed to share this link that I found.  It's been great for understanding the top down situation of using databases in Visual Studio 2008.

If you want a print version of these pages, in the upper right corner there is a link called "Preferences" which has 3 radio buttons.  Choose Classic and click OK. The UI will change in the browser page which will make it such that on the left hand side now is a link called Printer Friendly page.  Click Printer friendly and wham! you can make your own PDF's if have a PDF maker installed.  Need a PDF maker that's free?  Try Primo PDF. I use it for everything from bills with confirm #'s to receipts for things I have purchased that have a serial # on them to printing out documentation. Saves paper, saves santity and me!  Just click the Download free thing.  It's all you need.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Holy crap! I got a job! Holy Crap! It's the end of August! Holy Crap! It's the first day of School!

Well it's the end of August now.  We started school today (need to get pics up soon).  Irene is having a bonus year which means she is doing a repeat of 1st grade in order to get a confidence booster and gets a chance to really find out school is a good thing and not a struggle.

Also, I got a job!  I am now working for a company called DDNi doing test automation and tool development.  So far: I am doing build integration and tool fixing - we'll see how that goes. *rolling eyes*.  I am having a blast and it's a ton to learn.  Amongst the things I am having to get my brain wrapped around again is C#.  Am taking Cabrillo's online class for C#.  If you've done languages before, do intermediate.  Beginning levels for languages are always the basics of how to core generic language stuff - while loops, etc.  If you're wanting to get more meaty stuff, go to intermediate.  I do however recommend the Introduction to Python if you're wanting to do Python.  They don't have an intermediate - but this worked great! If they ever get an intermediate course I would take it in a heartbeat.

I am discovering having used RAD Studio for long, I am now having to learn all the little keyboard shortcuts that I love, now in Visual Studio.  ugh.  Found something neat though - a poster with keybindings that Microsoft posted.

Visual C# 2005 Keybinding Poster
Visual C# 2008 Keybinding Poster

Am waiting to hear back from the teacher of the course I am taking to see if he has particulars he likes too. :)

I am also still working on the Brook Knoll Website for Irene's Elementary School.  That is coming along nicely.  A lot of people want to see everything go paperless as much as possible.  So that's been a good focus for us. Also a load of data needed to be updated - so it's been busy these last few weeks.

Other than that, things are just moving along.  Next weekend is my Mom's birthday, so we're celebrating by going to Shadowbrook next Saturday.  That'll be fun.

The summer decided to arrive in the last couple of days as well.  I think my tomatoes will start to finally turn red.  It's been a cold summer this year (not that I am complaining..I hate hot) but I am happy to have this warmer weather for my veggies.

Boy! I had a lot to say today!  More soon as I continue my learning process! and yes..I will get back to Android development.  :)

Monday, July 19, 2010

We've gone and returned from Spain!

Arc de Triumf in Barcelona, Spain
   We have gone to Spain and returned.  There was so much that we did while we were there.  The first questions asked were always "How long are you staying?" and "What do you plan to see?".  I have to shamefacedly admit that I didn't know what I wanted to see.  I'd never traveled like this before and so really hoped for my sister-in-law and her hubby to just drag me to places. Thankfully they did.  We not only learned how to use the tram, subway, and train while we were there (no car access which was just fine), we also walked our butts off while we were there.  We walked around the suburbs of Barcelona where April and Andrew live and saw all sorts of different buildings - new and old. We were able to go shopping for food.  We found out not all places with toilettes have seats - that was an experience.  Why? I don't know. We saw open air markets with fresh everything from meats to fruits. 

The humidity was massive. I have a new found love for dry heat.  Each day here since we've returned is mild in comparison to the heat in Spain.  Being closer to the Equator says a lot.  Barcelona sells fans there which we call a novelty item - something we hang on our walls for decoration. There? They are useful! You don't go anywhere without them...  The heat is that bad and not all places have AC. We were thankful that April and Andrew's apartment had AC.

I found that much of the culture is dictated by how the weather goes.  With the heat, you *have* to shutdown during the middle of the day.  Nobody is willing to move around during that time of the day so why be open?  Places that were open had AC - malls etc.  Shops re-opened around 4:30 - 5:30 or so (that is a suggested time..not actual - they might be early, they might not come back for the day ;) ).   More often than not, everyone went home and took a nap.  Loosing a day of travel messed us up royally. :)

I'll post more as to what we did.  The other big thing was that we went to Venice, Italy!  What a treat.  below is a pic from there.

From a bridge in one of the many "alleyways" in Venice
Venice the first 2 days was great for weather.  Warm but not hot/humid.  The last two days we got the hot and humid.  But we still had fun.  LOADS of Gelato were in our future - let me tell you!  We tried to keep things to a minimum though.  Once after lunch and once after dinner.   We also learned if you want good pizza DO NOT go to the restaurants.  Go to the street cafes where you buy it by the slice and that is the only thing they have. OMG! What a difference. 

I was the book buying freak while were in both Barcelona and Venice.  I'll post pics of the books later - I haven't taken pictures of them yet. :)  Right now we're just trying to find places to put everything. We also got Venetian masks, linens, jewelry, St. Christopher medallions, salt/pepper shakers and some Venetian glass (had it shipped).  When it arrives, I'll take more pics and post. :)

OK. So 1 more pic for the road from Barcelona.  This is called The Agbar in Barcelona Diagonal.

Night shot of The Agbar in Barcelona, Spain   

Friday, May 28, 2010

Holy Moly! I've become the Webmaster! saw that right.  So before anyone gets all OMG on my hinney... it's:

1) a volunteer position
2) for the PTA group at Brook Knoll with some additions..
3) It's nothing in comparison to what I've dealt with before.

So: details:
I saw in the little newsletter we get from the school a few positions for volunteers that opened up. Amongst them was this Webmaster and also another for Life Lab which works in the gardens as an assistant to the head honcho on that.

Webmaster asked basically if you knew Facebook/Twitter etc...wanna be the webmaster..right? :D  Well of course I sucked that one up.  What it came down to though was that I would be on the Executive PTA board (what the hell was I thinking?) and I would also be assisting all sorts of people dealing with the Brook Knoll sight.  Turns out because I am the geek I am I am probably going to do a LOAD more.  Talked with the front staff and they don't have a webmaster to look after anything.  So my first thought was: "How long has it been since they have backed up the sight?" Followed by: "Oh lord, they have seriously old data" then followed by my opening my mouth, inserting foot and saying, "I can take care of a lot of that stuff.  Just send me an email and we'll get it dealt with". *rolling eyes*  I thought I had purged this business of my saying Yes..I can do that... a long time ago..Obviously my being off work for nearly a year suddenly reclaimed that bad habit.

On the other side of the coin.  These are NICE people that I am going to be working with.  I am meeting more of the school staff AND I am getting more integrated into the things I always longed for - being a mom, getting out to be with other full-time mom's.  Who knows..maybe I'll like being on the Executive board ;)

So additional details? Well I have to go to the Exec board meetings once a month in the mornings followed by the PTA meetings on the first Tuesday of the month at 7pm.  Didn't realize that would be apart of the job description either..but again. I'll get to know a load of people and perhaps actually get more involved - like I have been wanting to do.

So what does this mean for my learning curve? I get to learn Dreamweaver!  Ordered an older version for like $200 less than the current which is great.  Picked up a book on Dreamweaver from my Visual Quickstart Guide group and I am going to enroll in Cabrillo's online class for Dreamweaver CS4. 
Talk about brain investment. :)

I am content.  I think this is going to be really good for me for a load of reasons.  Plus I'll volunteer for Irene's class next year.  That'll be exciting too. We'll see how it goes. As I learn, I'll post my learning here.  I like keeping notes ;)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Android - Hello World!

So the last time we talked, I had tried using Netbeans on my Mac.  This time I decided to use my Windows XP VM on my PC to see how working with Eclipse would work out.  I wanted to see what functionality I might be able to use that I might like better. Well the short of it was: Try using the Eclipse IDE, if you haven't already.  It's pretty darn smooth - plus getting it setup is a LOT easier than trying to figure out why things don't work while using Netbeans - unless you're a person who "just does *not* use Eclipse" and "Are you insane?" type mentality.  By all means, bang your head against the wall.

Now here is where I do some redundancy on getting Eclipse setup.  Use the following link to get the Eclipse IDE.  I used the one for Java Developers.  Get the Oracle JDK for Windows (nothing terrifically special).  The link explains what you should do.

Next: use the rest of that link above to learn how to get Android setup on Eclipse - pretty simple I thought. 

Once that is done, do the Hello World tutorial.  It talks first of all about how to write your first app.  Then it talks about how you handle UI such that you don't have to deal with UI changes programmatically.  Instead you learn to use XML - pretty cool.  Plus it talks about Internationalization and why XML will make your life easier if you want to translate your application.  Finally it walks you through debugging an application.

First thing I learned about this process: Yes the emulator takes forever to load - OMG.  It isn't kidding when it says that the emulator could take a few minutes to load before you're going to see your application.  So seriously - once you start running the app, walk away. Wait till you see a screen that looks like a Droid app screen with the pretty pics and then do that voodoo that you do so well... IE: start up your app.

This tutorial was well done in my opinion.  Exactly the amount I wanted to read while waiting for the appliance guy to come and replace our stove (see Facebook on this date for my feelings about what happened with that).  I am now going to go on to read Application Fundamentals.  Should be interesting.

Cheers for now!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Android - learning to program

Well, I bit the bullet.  I decided it was time to learn how to program in the Android space.  Plus I wanted to do it on my mac.  First thing I had to ask myself was: What the heck language did Android use? I was praying Java, as it was Google that was doing this...but  fearful it was going to be yet another different language I was going to have to learn in the process.  Mind you, I am not complaining I need this type of practice.  But still...

OK so first things first. What did I do?  I did a search using keywords "tutorial Android".  I also used "netbeans android tutorial" cause I am using the Netbeans IDE rather than Eclipse.  I like Eclipse but it I like netbeans better - probably because it was the IDE I used to learn Java in my "Learn Java in 21 Days" book.  If I sat down and worked with Eclipse for a while I'd probably figure it out.  *shrug* if I find the plug-in support netbeans isn't sufficient then sure..I'll do it.

 Results of the search: found a crap ton of stuff.  Not a big surprise..but still surprised to find that they had a plug-in for netbeans in the first place.  Interested in the link I chose?  Here you go:

This took me to everywhere I needed to get started.  It included:
  • Getting the SDK installed
  • Getting the plug-in setup in Netbeans 
  • and probably more - but wanted to try running a basic Hello World and ran into issues.
  • which I am now researching.
My first issue I ran into:  I didn't realize you have to install the SDK yourself.  I've gotten spoiled when I worked with our Dev Suite at Embarcadero - we provided the SDK's for you.  Not so much with trying Android.  I can't complain - it's free...

Next issue I ran into with my mac: If you're running a mac and you want to create a virtual device that the emulator will attach to,  or run any of the tools for that matter, I found I was getting "Command Not Found" anytime I tried something from within the Terminal window.  Turns out I was calling the commands as I would in Windows/DOS... *smack on the hand* bad girl!  You need to start thinking Linux..hmm..wonder if there is a Cabrillo Class online for learning Linux stuff. :)

Anyway, I found this link showed me what I was doing wrong.  Now I have a couple of virtual devices created that I can have the emulator link to... YAY!!! I just figured that out. 

Now: for those of you who want to get started with Android using Eclipse - you're life will probably be easier because the Android Doc's reference that plug-in as the defacto plug-in.  :)  For that see the following link:

Main Home page for Android:

SDK page:
 - you'll find the installs as the first thing for the SDK here.
 - Also in the instructions it talks about working with Eclipse and the ADT (Android Dev Tool) plug-in for it.

Dev Guide: 

So now I'll go try out Hello World and report back in the next blog post. :) Ciao for now!

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Cabrillo's online programs

Well, I have to post of the latest things I've been doing. I haven't posted it here.  I have been taking classes.   Amber suggested we take classes through Cabillo's Online system.  The first class I've been taking was Python. I finished it a week ago or so.  Classes are 6 weeks with 2 classes a week, and great for getting you into the area you're interested in.  No credits - but if you're like me where you don't need credits - just exposure - this is great.  Classes are $95 each and you get a certificate of completion once you take the final.

One wish: They had done the Python class in version 3.0 rather than 2.5 but I can figure out the updates.  Overall, it was a good exposure.  Amber and I have since been investigating different pages related to Python.  One of the things that I wanted to add was additional exercises that I could complete to help keep my background up.  I found this: 

Another class I am taking right now is An Introduction to Java. I have to say, I was not prepared for an introduction to Programming using Java - but that's that's what this is.  If you're willing to put up with the fact that it takes nearly 6 lessons before you write your first program, then it might be worth it.  It's got an intermediate class, but not sure if I'll take it yet.   I think because I wanted to learn Java and not how to program that I find this particular teacher rather irritating and loves to get off topic easily.  Again - if you want the extra reinforcement into programming, this class might be for you.   I find it hard to get into the class as I am just now into Lesson 5 (remember we have 12 lessons total) and we're just now writing our first program.

I am giving serious consideration to PHP/MySQL class next but I am pacing myself.  The different classes start every month - Feb 17, Mar 17, April 17 etc.  So you have a 2 week overlap of classes ie: 4 classes that overlap each other.  So we'll see if I get to it.

Anyway, had to post the latest endeavors. 

Monday, March 08, 2010

Latest Cross-Stitch pieces

Boy..I am the poster galore today.  I also realized that I had not posted the piece I worked on for Christmas for my mom.  It was a Huck Towel called "Peppers".  It was a real treat to see it come together.  I had a load of fun making it and it took probably 3 weeks total.  The first 2 weeks were working each day perhaps 2-3 hours a day.  The last week was maybe an hour a night or so mainly because I didn't quite finish it by Christmas and gave it to my Mom a couple of weeks afterward - so I wasn't as motivated to finish it until about the week before Mom was coming ;).  The Procrastinator to the fore-front. But finished it is a pic:

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Finally getting out of the US!

Man, I suddenly realize that a whole bunch of stuff has happened that I needed to post about.  Besides my little dancer... I forgot to mention that we finally applied for our Passports so we can see the world!  We applied about 2 weeks ago Friday.  So we've got at least another 3 weeks to go before having any chance looking for our passports in the mail...we'll see.

So the next thing is: "Where are we going!?" right?  :)  Well Marcus' sister and the family moved to Spain in November of 2009.  It was a real big surprise...but at the same time I know they are enjoying it.  We're keeping in touch over skype at this point - saves some serious money and we can still see our nephews and how fast they are growing.  So yes..that is where we are going this summer.  Spain - Barcelona specifically.  We're contemplating seeing Rome (apparently it's a 45 minute flight from Barcelona) and possibly make a trip to Paris as well.  I was thrilled just to see Spain, but apparently we can go to these other places too without too much trouble. :)

Now we do the waiting game.  But it won't be for long!!! WHEE!!

My little dancer

I can remember a time when I would dance on stage for friends and family for the recitals I learned dances for. Tap, Ballet, etc.  Now the next generation is about to take over.  Irene and I went on Friday (yesterday) and got her signed up for dance class.  It's a combo class of tap, jazz, and ballet.  There will be a recital in June. 

She's soo excited.  So Friday (yesterday), we flew down to Santa Cruz right after sign-up to get her dance gear.  Leotard, tights, ballet slippers, and tap shoes.  Just as a little extra she got a little skirt too.  She was soo adorable - but I have to say that...I am Momma. :)  I need to get photos that I took on my iPhone over to my PC.  Once I do that, I'll update this blog post and show the cute pics.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Something to write about

I just looked at the page and realized I haven't posted in at least 3 months.  Welcome 2010!  I am hoping to figure out whether I'll have a job or I'll see whether I get to retire.  I've been aching to write.  I think I am going to have to get my music on and see if I can get some pieces written - whether it's a story or poetry. 

I plan to work on the downstairs and get the things dealt with.

I plan to finish cross-stitch pieces this year (beyond the gift to my mom).

I plan to finish my first pair of socks that I started late last year.

Beyond that?  I just want an calm, consistent year.